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How to deal with TK Commanders

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  • How to deal with TK Commanders

    I have discovered the way to deal with commanders who take advantage of the new TK rules.

    1 Tell them not to do it.

    2. Go special forces and c4 your own commander assets, better than being continously TK by your own artillary.

    3. Stick around and blow up any supply crates he drops, until he gets the message!

  • #2
    Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

    My list of things to do in this situation:

    1- Leave the server.


    • #3
      Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

      ...that won't keep him from getting points, that just keeps him from sending out arty. I still think the voting system needs to be achievable.


      • #4
        Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

        Originally posted by Underpant
        ...that won't keep him from getting points, that just keeps him from sending out arty. I still think the voting system needs to be achievable.
        He gets quite bored when he has no arty, uav or scan.
        Worked on the two severs I played on last night ( game arena Australia ).
        Commander resigned both times in the end.
        They might get points but it ruins their game.
        As for going to another server, try and find one that does not have an idiot commander.
        With the stupid new ranking system you have noobs with 5000 points equal rank to those with 25000 points.
        Much harder to stop them being commander.
        The other night we had a commander who asked everybody how to get to the commander screen, we could not vote him out so we had no commander assistance for two games in a row.


        • #5
          Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

          I saw a commander get kicked off for Excessive TKing on a server by the server, The server dont give him negtive points, but it keeps track of his TKs


          • #6
            Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

            We had a commander who was NOT doing any commander duties whatsoever..he was just going around with his carbine TKing our entire team.

            Not a SINGLE mutiny vote passed.

            Goes to how crappy the vote system is in its current state...

            People just see votes and vote NO and keep playing.

            Why are people so ready to hit YES when it comes to TK punishing yet so ready to hit NO when it comes to a mutiny vote on a craptacular commander?

            Just leave the server..that's I did. It works best.


            • #7
              Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

              Originally posted by Talus
              We had a commander who was NOT doing any commander duties whatsoever..he was just going around with his carbine TKing our entire team.

              Not a SINGLE mutiny vote passed.

              Goes to how crappy the vote system is in its current state...

              People just see votes and vote NO and keep playing.

              Why are people so ready to hit YES when it comes to TK punishing yet so ready to hit NO when it comes to a mutiny vote on a craptacular commander?

              Just leave the server..that's I did. It works best.
              Once again I have not found a server in my country this week that did not have a noob commander.


              • #8
                Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

                I as a commander don't Arty bases, I Scan for a Squad and take them out, using it to take out the other team's tickets


                • #9
                  Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

                  Originally posted by Fee501st
                  I as a commander don't Arty bases, I Scan for a Squad and take them out, using it to take out the other team's tickets
                  Thats what I want to hear, good on you, we need more commanders like you!


                  • #10
                    Re: How to deal with TK Commanders

                    my list
                    -get a jeep and bail out before it hits him and he will lose points...and losing points when commander ****es you of

