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Dodgy Browser after 1.03

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  • Dodgy Browser after 1.03

    Ok i know the browser was a bit dodgy before but i played bf2 last night for the first time since the patch and when i went too multiplayer the servers came up as normal.

    But if i went to filter the search say for a map it would find NO servers at all. If i delete the map i was filtering fopr so its all blank and should look for any available server and hit return it still finds nothing.

    But if i quit out of the game and come back in and go to the multiplayer bit it will find them again. But only the first time if i filter i have too quit out again.

    Whats up with that?

  • #2
    Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

    Yeah, I had the EXACT same problem...after I try and search, I get no browsers what-so-ever, and the only way yot fix it is to reboot the game.

    LAME! >_<


    • #3
      Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

      I've always had this but it hasn't caused me too much trouble as I used ASE instead. Now, ASE doesn't work so I'm forced to use the crummy in game browser. You'd think a primarily online game would have shipped with a decent browser to begin with. The fact it is still broken after 3 patches goes to highlight the shoddy workmanship that has been dedicated to this game. Very disappointing.


      • #4
        Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

        well yeah but i didn't have this problem before only since the new patch......


        • #5
          Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

          Same here...

          Very dissapointing.


          • #6
            Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

            Heres an All Seeing Eye fix.

            Do NOT leave ASE running while editing filters.txt

            Okay, I'm not sure if the ASE guys will update soon to allow BF2 to start up again, but for now here's a fix.

            Go to your ASE directory (default C:\Program Files\The All-Seeing Eye) and open up filters.txt. Search for "battlefield 2" and here's what you should have:

            Battlefield 2
            ServerType: GS
            RegKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\INSTALLDIR
            ExeName: BF2.EXE
            JoinTemplate: {EXEPATH} +restart 1 +joinServer {ip} +port {port} [ +password "{PASSWORD}"]
            HostTemplate: {EXEPATH} +restart 1 +hostServer 1

            Now, change the JoinTemplate line to this:
            JoinTemplate: {EXEPATH} +joinServer {ip} +port {port} +username yourusername +playerPassword yourpassword [ +password "{PASSWORD}"]

            Note that what you did was remove the +restart 1 and added +username yourusername +playerPassword yourpassword, of course replacing yourusername and yourpassword with your, um, username and password.

            Once you join a server through ASE, you will bypass the login menu for BF2 and the game might seem to freeze for a bit with the EA message. Just wait a few seconds and BF2 should start loading your new map!


            • #7
              Re: Dodgy Browser after 1.03

              Yeah, ive had the same problem from the beginning. In the browser, if I press update, the list of servers dissapears and have to reboot the game to get the list back so the update button has always been a no go area for me- ive had to use refresh instead. But, since I installed the patch I thought i'd give it a go thinking it might be sorted and the same thing happened again. This time, even turning off the computer and starting all over i'm unable to get a list of servers in the browser. Luckily i'm a regular on the O.A.P server uk and connect to this through the favourites menu.
              Does anyone have a solution?

