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patch 1.03 connection problems?

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  • patch 1.03 connection problems?

    I installed the new patch yesterday, and i dont know weather it is just my imagination or just a bad inet connection but everytime i joined a game, it was pretty jumpy and every so often flashed up saying there was a problem with my connection.

    this happened every so often before the patch but was happening in most of my games yesterday and was reducing my enjoyment of the games as it was an easy target when i stopped moving.

    at first i thought it was something to do with the graphics change but i turned my graphics right down and this was still occuring.

    any thoughts? <<<------ welcome here

  • #2
    Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

    Maybe just server-side problems. Were they high ping servers?


    • #3
      Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

      at first i didnt pay attention to the server ping, but then when i kept getting the problem i thought that it might be this problem. but then i went on the servers which i have been playing on for a while which have lower ping times and i was still getting the problem.

      it might just be some unlucky connections to servers, but i do hope that it is not down to the new patch.


      • #4
        Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

        When you have connection problems & get booted out of the server. Do you go back in immediately to see if the server is still full of people or is it half or empty? If so, then its probably server.


        • #5
          Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

          I am not getting kicked off the servers. my screen and game play will get jumpy and it will come up saying that i have a bad connection or somethign. but then it goes away. it will then come back which annoys me as the game is jumpy all the time.

          so then i disconnect and try another server and get some similar problems


          • #6
            Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

            I have been getting THERE'S A PROB WITH YOUR CONN's after the patch a lot, getting booted without the serevr going down. Happens in the same servers I've been playing in the last 2 months without a prob (conn dropped maybe once). Not kicked , not punkbusted, just conn fuxored at least twice a night.


            • #7
              Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

              Yeah, it´s happening alot after the patch.
              NOT cool when you´re flying...


              • #8
                Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

                I'll join you...

                Had conn probs since the patch too... once in a hour or 2...

                Sometimes it goes away after a few sec. sometimes I loose the server all together


                • #9
                  Re: patch 1.03 connection problems?

                  why do they have to go and do this with a patch eh!

                  they are going to ruin my gaming experience if this keeps happening.

                  is there anyway to remove the patch?

