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Operation Iraqi Freedom is now looking for new recruits

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  • Operation Iraqi Freedom is now looking for new recruits

    Our team Although very trained and dedicated needs new recruits for EVERYTHING.
    We need
    Concept Artists
    Everything including the kitchen sink. If you would like to help just email me at

  • #2
    Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom is now looking for new recruits

    Yes, I - as mod lead - can see great things in the future for this mod.

    Let me start out by introducing the mod, and listing what our goals are.

    OIF stands for Operation Iraqi Freedom. OIF mod will be trying to create a realistic combat environment, realistic by standards of what our troops are facing over in Iraq right now. We are not a political mod by no means, we are simply a mod that is hoping to bring home the realism of war, while still keeping it fun. The first release will bring show Marines and Insurgents fighting it out, while second will have Army units , and third (Still deciding) will bring out the special forces.

    Although, we cannot achieve these goals unless we have a full team. As Thumper, our lead modeller, stated above, we are looking for the following positions:

    1. Modellers (With UV Mapping knowledge!)
    2. Mappers
    3. Sound Artists
    4. Skinners
    5. CODERS! We are in dier need of coders, especially ince we have many weapons/vehicles done that need to be coded into the game.

    If you have any of these talents, and are willing to help out OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in any way please feel free to contact me at (That is my MSN), or feel free to just stop by our forums and discuss the mod!


    • #3
      Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom is now looking for new recruits

      Originally posted by UH60BHPilot
      Yes, I - as mod lead - can see great things in the future for this mod.
      Rly? Cause I just see another Desert Storm type mod in the future for this mod...

