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Rank wont change...

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  • Rank wont change...

    Firstoff, i know how often this site updates, and i know it takes a while for the BFHQ to update; but I have been playing in the 8ballers strike at karkand, and EVERY round, i get to staff sergent, then gunnery sergent, then master sergent, EVERY round, and it never upadtes, mind you this IS a ranked server, but I never get to master sergent, it just stays at sergent... am I the only one expearencing this?a

  • #2
    Re: Rank wont change...

    it is updating slow scince the patch came out give it a couple hrs.


    • #3
      Re: Rank wont change...

      same here, was cool the first time I got the new ranks, but the fourth and fifth time it started to get annoying. The problem is everyone is running the new patch and we are all getting our new ranks at the same time. I'd give it a while.

