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Server Filters No Longer Work

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  • Server Filters No Longer Work

    Yes, I know we're all sick of whinging threads but I do think this is a proper problem.

    I have no problems with BF2 in general and I think it is a fantastic game but not being able to filter search on the servers as I was able to do before can be quite annoying.

    For instance if I search for "EA" to bring up exclusively the EA servers it just returns a blank screen even though there were EA servers in the list.

    Since EA employees are rumoured to read this board I though I'd mention it. And I started a new thread because I believe this problem is worthy of its own thread rather than being buried somewhere amongst all the "They've made it to easy" and my "G3 is crap" type of posts.

  • #2
    Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

    uncheck the "large maps/medium maps/small maps" boxes.


    • #3
      Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

      I have always had the Large map option checked - when I tried to check the others I ran into this problem - no servers showed up. If I left large checked - it showed small, med, and large. Guess it is glitched for how you had it pre-patch.


      • #4
        Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

        I wrote a message about a similar problem but no one really cared. It disappeared within minutes.

        If you have Same Version selected and type in a map name in the map field it will not return any results. If you uncheck Same Version it will filter fine, with a few exceptions. Dragon Valley won't show up if you type in Dragon. It will show up if you just type in d, but so will any other map that has a d in it.

        They really didn't put any testing into this feature that many people use.


        • #5
          Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

          Yeah, I have problems with this too. I always search for "comcast" or "ea us" and now it doesn't return any results. Plus, once I do the search, I can't clear it out and get a non-filtered list. I have to switch to the singleplayer menu and back. I did notice, it seems like if you change any of the checkboxes, then apply a filter, it works. I've just been checking/unchecking the "password protected" checkbox so I can get my filters to work.


          • #6
            Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

            Originally posted by Dethleffs
            uncheck the "large maps/medium maps/small maps" boxes.
            Thanks very much for that info.


            • #7
              Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

              Thanks to all of you, you've been very helpfull.


              • #8
                Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

                a bigger problem i have is i have to click a spawn icon about 5 times for it to actually select sometimes that doesnt work and i have to reopen the spawn location screen and frantcially clikc a point just to select it


                • #9
                  Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

                  No longer? I dont think they ever worked properly. I filter to get 'not full' servers yet I get many full servers. Same for the map sizes.


                  • #10
                    Re: Server Filters No Longer Work

                    I noticed it is case-sensitive. 'ea' wouldn't work for me, but 'EA' did.

