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Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

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  • #16
    Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

    Originally posted by Skwurl
    They lied to you? Again?

    You anti-EA/Dice babies make me sick. You make it sound like they owe you a prompt patch for every friggin bug.

    Go cry in a corner.
    They told us they were fixed. They told us they were now effective. They are not. Newsflash, that constitutes a lie. And yes they do owe me, the fifty dollars I spent on the game says so.


    • #17
      Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

      Yeah, normally I don't condone whining.... But this whole thing is getting ridiculous... I always thought when a game was released it should be pretty much finished... What they sold us was an early beta at best... I would rather they have taken an extra month or two, throroughly tested it (even in an open beta), and then released a finished product... It seems unprofessional at best, and downright shady at worst...

      Don't get me wrong, I have fun playing it, but it is still far from a release-quality game...


      • #18
        Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

        Originally posted by JimmyNoobtron
        I really feel bad now. I HAVE been shot down by stingers on a couple of occasions. I can stay in the air now but I still suck at evasive action. Still haven't a clue with the choppers.
        heh, I was the opposite, I could fly the choppers easily, but couldn't fly a plane for ****. Pretty okay at them both now. I mean.... oh yeah... uhm... bitches! I'll... uh... bomb you all! :ar15:


        • #19
          Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

          I can teach you guys of a very simple method to evade anything - be it fighters or AA missiles. All you got to have is a joystick. Here is what you do: Just push your joystick to an extreme side, i.e all the way to the right side, and then also use full rudder. This way, you will have the quickest turn rate. Maintain altitude by pulling back a little on your stick. Make sure that you do not make an aileron roll or a barrell roll! Just keep on turning 360 degrees, round after round, till even your enemy fighter gets bored of chasing you.

          That method takes LOADS of time though. You gotta see who has the most patience. Another method would be to fly very close to the buildings or the cranes. When you hear the missile lock warning, just fly low and near the buildings. Chances are, the missile will hit the building or crane instead of you. If you use rear view and see the missile still on you, then BAIL OUT!


          • #20
            Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

            They didnt make missiles faster, or at least not significantly faster. What they did was make them a tad more maneuverable. Before, even a simple turn could cause a missile to overshoot. Now, need to turn a bit harder. This is so the missile doesnt do the work FOR you. Best way to get a lock is, at least in a jet is, stay on them. Eventually they'll either think you're out of missiles, or it's some ground AA unit that cant do jack. That's when you go for the kill.

            As for on the ground...well...just pray.

            Quick tip though for you fighters. Use the cannon. Go into bomb mode, and sneak up on them. They wont know what hit em. Not to mention, it's GREAT for finding tanks on the ground, and strafing those AA guns.


            • #21
              Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

              But truthfully, will we EVER see a release quality game at release time? As long as we continue to play anything that comes out, buggy or not, the companies have no real incentive to fix things up front.


              • #22
                Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

                Oops...that last post was in responce to something earlier about something that wasn't fixed in the patch. I responded to it from an email notification and couldn't tell that there had been a lot of other responses since.


                • #23
                  Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

                  I think it's easier to avoid AA. I'm a lame pilot and was able to fly around with almost impunity. Also, last night, I was trying to take out a BH the was wasting my team. The helo was flying straight and level, I had lock, and 8 missiles failed to hit. The pilot took no evasive action. I only managed to get so many shots off because the gunners were so lame.

                  I can't be certain, but the missiles do seem faster and more liable to overshoot a close target.

                  Has anyone else missed easy shots? Is there something I'm missing. Is there a technique to the "imporved" AA?


                  • #24
                    Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

                    Originally posted by t.Grumpage
                    Hahah, nearly forgot the AA - more intelligent? LOLOLOL, more intelligent than the people at EA very possibly. Intelligent enough to fly in a straight line and hit a stationary chopper? No.
                    [Found on EA's forum]

                    How true !


                    • #25
                      Re: Are you a fighter pilot? Tired of the New AA?

                      Originally posted by j4k3
                      the only difference is they fire quicker now... that's it! they lied to us again... :/

