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Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

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  • Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

    One more story,

    Bascially play tank as special op, stick one or two C4 packs on the end of the gun barrel and thats it. It tends to confuse the enemy I'm not sure what they see, basically I've got a couple deer in the headlights looks from the enemy. IT will give you a split second before people run. Perhaps people think it's an artifact???

    Another interesting one is to stick C4 on the front and sides of a JET. Not sure how this worked, but one time I plastered a jet. The guy takes off a few minutes later I get 3 kills from c4??? I'm wondering if he rammed someone with the jet or ???

    (If some could explain this one to me).

    The C4 on the wheels of a jeep is always cool.

    Any other neat places on vehicles. Havn't tried the tips of chopper blades yet.

  • #2
    Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

    well, the chopper one looks very cool lol, cover the windshield of a jet and fly like that, its fun


    • #3
      Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

      You put C4 on the missiles on a plane and then shoot them off, go outside and the C4 is floating around in mid air!!! wooohooo


      • #4
        Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

        on the wheels of a jeep is the best...


        • #5
          Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

          Wish you could tie C4 to people. Thatd be hilarious.

          Strap up your friend and shove him into a heavy fire area unarmed and wait for all the hidden noobs to come and knife..

          TICK TICK KABOOOM!!!


          • #6
            Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

            0.0 BEST IDEA EVER!!! people put c4 on jeeps as suicide vehicles right? well i say do one better but it on a jet! kinda like a jap. in pearl harbor. or heli if your better at flying that


            • #7
              Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

              the only place i plant it is on tactical objest, enemy tanks. and i stick it UNDER bridges. that way the enemy wont see it coming, if you hide under the bridge as well


              • #8
                Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                Once on the dam in kubra I left a jeep with two c4s on the windshield and waited until a guy got in and when he got in he drove for a second, stopped, got out and juped off the edge of the damn
                I was cracking up so hard that i didnt notice the guy right in front of me and shot me


                • #9
                  Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                  I love car jumping with the C4s lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                    best place to put one: befind the ass of a fully loaded black hawk


                    • #11
                      Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                      Put C4 on artillery. Drive two jeeps over the two artillery and the artillery exploleds while the cars just go into the air and back down and on fire. BOOM

                      I love it. Actually do it on US Oman Aritlerry. It is really cool.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                        Originally posted by Ganzo57
                        Once on the dam in kubra I left a jeep with two c4s on the windshield and waited until a guy got in and when he got in he drove for a second, stopped, got out and juped off the edge of the damn
                        I was cracking up so hard that i didnt notice the guy right in front of me and shot me

                        He was getting the chopper. Not running from your C4.


                        • #13
                          Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                          i once put some c4 on a apc forgot about it then when i got the enemy base near the arty i tried to get my c4 out but it wasen't there. then a apc came up behind me so a ran knowing thet if i blew up the c4 it would bring me back to me g36c. anyway i blew it up hears a big exposion and i destroyed both a plane taking off and the apc that was behind me.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                            It never detonated either, weird...


                            • #15
                              Re: Sticking C4 in all the funny places...

                              I always do the suicide thing. Or you put the c4 whre the accelarater should be in a car, the foot space or whatever and hide on a hill or something near the car. Detonate when people climb in.

                              If you put c4 on the side of planes it sometimes detonates its self or something. I got c4 kills without detonating when i leave them on planes.

