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Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

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  • Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

    Holy crap, I am amazed, i have been playing on just 2 speakers with BF2, so today I thought I would go down to my local Frys, and buy some surround sound headphones and a sound card, GOOD CHOICE. I went and got me a pair of Turtle Beach 5.1 Surround Sound Headphones, and a Sound Blaseter Audigy 2 sound card, wow, I could hear everything, the opposing medics around the corrner, and even enemy footsteps, i knew which way to turn in a split cause i heard their footsteps, this deffinatly made me a better player, its insane

  • #2
    Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

    Decent but I would have recommend Sennheiser HD650's and an X-Fi card. > all


    • #3
      Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

      if you want to hear there foot steps and all...just turn you speackers up on FULL BLAST lol....i have a hedset but not a good getting sarroundsound headset soon...and maybe a new soundcard and more ram


      • #4
        Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

        i threw on some Sony headphones I love it...I can hear everything and everyone around me with them on, helps with recognizing the direction of sniper shots or when enemies spot you


        • #5
          Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

          Originally posted by phen0m
          Decent but I would have recommend Sennheiser HD650's and an X-Fi card. > all
          $499 for headphones no way, I guess I am not *that* much of an audiophile :laugh:


          • #6
            Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

            if i can hear it out of my speakers and headsets then im ok :laugh:


            • #7
              Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

              I don't think BF2 is true 5.1

              some one prove me wrong, but I don't notice it


              • #8
                Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                I forgot to mention, I also hit Sergent, RIGHT after i got the headphones, I got the DOA-12, good unlock!


                • #9
                  Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                  I really like my Zalman 5.1 headphones . Allso it helps to go into sound options and raise your bass and treble . With the treble raised i find its easyer to hear footsteps .


                  • #10
                    Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                    Get the Bose Headphones the sound is unreal.............


                    • #11
                      Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                      Originally posted by CaptainMoustache
                      I don't think BF2 is true 5.1

                      some one prove me wrong, but I don't notice it
                      You're wrong mate.

                      I've got a Logitech Z-5500 speaker system, and an Audigy LS card (upgrading to X-Fi Fatal1ty in 2 weeks! ) - and each speaker are distinct from the others.
                      A good way to test this is to be in an APC, in the outside view, and shoot your main cannon "behind" your view, you'll hear the sound coming out ONLY from the rear speakers.

                      The 5.1 in BF2 works really great, and is very useful in pinpointing a sniper/choppers location.

                      If you don't experience 5.1 in BF2, there must be something wrong with your soundcard/speaker setup/settings.


                      • #12
                        Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                        I guess it's just a lot more noticable in CS:S

                        I just don't hear it in BF2

                        guess I'll listen a little harder next time,

                        wait.......I think my soud is set to Software driven.....maybe thats why


                        • #13
                          Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                          Gotta get me some of that


                          • #14
                            Re: Surround Sound Headphones, REALLY help!

                            Yeah i use Zalman theatre6 5.1 headphones also and if you focus you can locate snipers and incoming vehicles quite accurately And in CS:S it gives nice advantages.

