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We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

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  • We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

    I think the gunner on this helo has a huge advantage over the USMC one. The deduction in refire rate is more than made up for with the splash damage. When I play Sharqi on the USMC, we almost always get raped by a hovering MEC chopper with a gunner at some point. This never happens when I'm on the MEC, as the USMC chopper seems to be good just for taking down tanks.

    Anyone else agree?

  • #2
    Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

    No. True the guns are powerful but it's a flying brick.. If the cobra does it's job on Sharqi and people help them out by spotting the Mi-28 it shouldn't be much of a problem. Air to air the cobra has a huge advantage since the mi-28 is such a big target and the cobra is much more maneuverable. Of course on Sharqi, the americans focus all on that one flag, then MEC flanks and gets their main so no more cobra then they come on the forums and complain that the chopper is too powerful.

    The cobra's guns aren't that bad as long as u don't switch between tvs that much but the MEC's attack chopper is more forgiving if u have sloppy aim. Explosive rounds n all.


    • #3
      Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

      It's balanced out by the fact that the USMC chopper is MUCH smaller, the autocannon has a super high ROF, and has a better TV system.

      I have no problem with all of the choppers being different.

      Heck..have you tried the Chinese chopper? The guns on that thing are the worst..but I have still pulled off some of my best rounds in that thing with a good gunner.

      Don't let a perceived disadvantage allow you to forget about pilot skill.


      • #4
        Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

        Originally posted by Riggz
        No. True the guns are powerful but it's a flying brick.. If the cobra does it's job on Sharqi and people help them out by spotting the Mi-28 it shouldn't be much of a problem. Air to air the cobra has a huge advantage since the mi-28 is such a big target and the cobra is much more maneuverable. Of course on Sharqi, the americans focus all on that one flag, then MEC flanks and gets their main so no more cobra then they come on the forums and complain that the chopper is too powerful.
        So true..the US chopper spends JUST as much time heading to the Beach House in Sharqi.

        It's nobody's fault but their own if their TV Station gets captured while they are out spawn camping


        • #5
          Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

          The gun is powerful but the missle spread and the size of the MI-28 makes up for that.

          A good cobra pilot can easily take down an MI-28. As for never seeing the Cobra sit and own...well I did it earlier today. The gun on the Cobra may have a tiny if any splash but is very damaging vs infantry.

          Plus the cobra is so much small and more manueverable. So I think they are pretty even.


          • #6
            Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

            the only reason the MEC attack chopper is better because its gunners rounds are explosive is the China and USMC but there rounds arent as powerfull as the MEC


            • #7
              Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

              the splash damage with the us cobra missiles are virtually nonexistent. You have to be very accurate esp. when going after infantry. for one think this is unrealistic (if that matters) would like to see them more powerful (bring on the flaming for this!!).


              • #8
                Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

                The choppers are fine except for the MEC/Chinese transport. The guns have a low RoF a small firing arc and don't do any damage.


                • #9
                  Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

                  the gunn on the mec attack chopper is more powerful than the cobra, but the tv missiles on the mec chopper arent as accurate


                  • #10
                    Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

                    Originally posted by jonnysanchez
                    the gunn on the mec attack chopper is more powerful than the cobra, but the tv missiles on the mec chopper arent as accurate
                    I don't know what you people are smoking, but the TV guided missles are the SAME on every attack helicopter. That includes the USMC, MEC, and Chinese armies. The only difference between the three are the dumb missles, the spread of those dumb missles, and the main autocannons.


                    • #11
                      Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

                      Originally posted by Riggz
                      No. True the guns are powerful but it's a flying brick.. If the cobra does it's job on Sharqi and people help them out by spotting the Mi-28 it shouldn't be much of a problem. Air to air the cobra has a huge advantage since the mi-28 is such a big target and the cobra is much more maneuverable. Of course on Sharqi, the americans focus all on that one flag, then MEC flanks and gets their main so no more cobra then they come on the forums and complain that the chopper is too powerful.

                      The cobra's guns aren't that bad as long as u don't switch between tvs that much but the MEC's attack chopper is more forgiving if u have sloppy aim. Explosive rounds n all.
                      Yah I just roasted one with rockets today as I was without a gunner.


                      • #12
                        Re: We fixed the black hawk, now what about the MEC attack chopper?

                        Originally posted by downthesun
                        I don't know what you people are smoking, but the TV guided missles are the SAME on every attack helicopter. That includes the USMC, MEC, and Chinese armies. The only difference between the three are the dumb missles, the spread of those dumb missles, and the main autocannons.

                        TV Guided:
                        MEC = PLA = USMC

                        Mobility & acceleration:
                        USMC > PLA > MEC

                        Size & missile spread:
                        USMC > PLA > MEC

                        MEC > USMC > PLA

                        So I think they are different, and therefore some better suited for taking out infantry, some better at chopper-battles and quick zip-zapping. This is not even close to the difference between transport choppers. Aside from BH, transports can't even defend themselves against infantry.

