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HELP! Plz.....

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  • HELP! Plz.....

    Alright, I have a DELL keyboard, (non USB), and when i fly, i cannot use the machine guns and turn the plane at the same time. Thus, it makes it hard to win dogfights when my rockets are out. I have heard that it is my keyboard but I have also heard that it's my settings?, has anyone else had this problem. When i try and hold SPACE to shoot, then the LEFT ARROW KEY, to turn the computer just makes a beeping noise? :cry: :cry: :cry:

  • #2
    Re: HELP! Plz.....

    I think you can't fire and turn for everyone...or am i confusing something.


    • #3
      Re: HELP! Plz.....

      Originally posted by Al3x
      I think you can't fire and turn for everyone...or am i confusing something.
      well, on my friends computer, he can continuously hold down the space bar, and fly around just like normal. On my computer I can't do that, as soon as I press Space Bar, my entire keyboard locks up making it impossible to fly :cry:


      • #4
        Re: HELP! Plz.....

        Your system cannot handle the keypress combinations I guess.

        Have you tried remapping the actions to other keys and trying again?

        Tell us about the rest of your system...

        Also, have you tried using another keyboard? My PS2 keyboard always worked fine. Then again, I use a joystick and a Nostromo N52 SpeedPad


        • #5
          Re: HELP! Plz.....

          well, i went and got a NEXXTECH keyboard and it was no different, I have heard from some ppl that if i get a USB keyboard that it would solve the problem. the rest of my system = 3.2 ghz, 250 mb hard drive, 1 gig ram, x700pro video card, umm....thats about it.... who makes the PS2 keyboard?, I might try it....


          • #6
            Re: HELP! Plz.....

            Sorry.. PS/2

            My bad.


            • #7
              Re: HELP! Plz.....

              lol, thx man, i just changed my shooting button from space to LEFT ALT, and now it works like a champ!, you guys can delete this thread if you want. THanks to all that helped.

