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New Patch....

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  • #16
    Re: New Patch....

    They need to get rid of ONE AA site on one of the city maps....urgh how can i forget it.....the city map that is in broad daylight, its not mashtuur city, it is kharkand....that other one....anyway, you know what it is...its on a coast and the US heli is on a building.

    Anyway, i notice that if you play as a MEC and jump into the heli, you would raise up off the heli pad for a few seconds, get to about half way towards the little island near your base and you would get a missile lock on you, it is extremely annoying, as MEC cannot get a lock the the US helicopter very easily at all, thankfully i can dodge missiles fairly easily and i just blow the crap out of that missile site, i mean i get so annoyed that i empty every last one of the missiles i have in that round of missiles....14 to be precise.

    Another thing...i dont know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, as when i fly a jet, my missiles are stupid, they magically dodge the jet i shoot at even when i still have a lock, he isnt using his chafes as he already used them, and he is flying straight...anyway the missiles follow him until the last second and then they decide they are bored and want to dodge the jet and go straight for one of MY ground vehicles which is usually a jeep which is easy to blow up AND it carries 3 guys, so there ya have it, i get 3 teamkills because of this stupid missile glitch, and i usually end up being kicked.
    Thankfully the patch will fix this stupid issue.

    BUT then there is me flying around like crazy on Gulf of Omanaround, and no matter what insane stunts i do, i always get blown up by missiles, perhaps it is just the fact that i probably have about 3 Stinger sites locked onto me plus a jet behind me and thats why i blow up, matter what i do i crash and burn, any other map and i can stay in the air for the whole round and blast the crap out of any enemy jet that flies around, plus i get kills for the bombings or deck sweeping...but no, not this map, its a few beeps and im gone, there is no way out but to jump (which i should do, just to see how many missiles ARE actually chasing my jet).

    So basically that is the bad part as they think Stinger sites cant get jets....think again ppl, they can get jets veeeery easily.

    I sure hope that they made jets faster aswell, as the jets arent very fast, i dont get the sence of adrenaline or vertigo when flying a jet that i thought i would when i first got the demo a long time ago, and then the full game on the day of release. So im no newbie to BF2 (but sheesh look at my seems to never go up). Flame me, say im a bad pilot or whatever, but....i hope this patch does more good than harm.


    • #17
      Re: New Patch....

      I dont fly, but i love my AA...hehe, Ill be missile locking like crazy now!


      • #18
        Re: New Patch....

        BS, Air to Air missiles don't lock onto a ground vehicle.

        I'm wondering just how good they made the stingers. Only a few maps the air just completely dominates, and that's usually after one of the team (I think MEC have the only cappable airbase flags in any map), loses their mains\airfields.


        • #19
          Re: New Patch....

          AA sucks and it's a good thing they're getting an improvement.

          Gulf of Oman is the only map where they're decent since theres a crapload of them, more if you count the USS Essex.


          • #20
            Re: New Patch....

            And the f-u-c-k-i-n-g whiners win again.

            Great dice.


            • #21
              Re: New Patch....

              Originally posted by XFactr
              Its going to make helicopter flying and plane flying 100x harder with these new and improved anti aircraft guns... ive seen some in use there extremly gay :< so it seems there will be no more helicopter flyers or aviators with next patch sigh

              gives me more of a challenge with my baby mig-29 here :-D


              • #22
                Re: New Patch....

                Originally posted by Dethshoot1

                P.S.: Your avatar is great.
                I second that.


                • #23
                  Re: New Patch....

                  far as im concerned, tanks and aircraft, ruin an otherwise, great battle between squads. Most pilots, rarely fight other pilots. They pretend they are tanks, that can fly.


                  • #24
                    Re: New Patch....

                    i think the changes will be to the stingers acutually hitting their targets as opposed to making that 90 degree turn and going for the friendly heli taking off at the other end of the for mashtuur and that damn BH, more stinger sites would definitely make the game more balanced...

