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The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

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  • The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

    Hi guys.

    I just got the new medic-weapon yesterday because I heard it is sooo unbelievable accurate. As I used it for yesterday I didnĀ“t hit anything on a bit of distance.
    I was very frustrated and I think I am better of with the M16 so far.

    What am I doing wrong? Can someone who has some experience with that rifle help me out with a few hints?

    Every help is appreciated!



  • #2
    Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

    Put it on single, prone and ofcourse use the scope


    • #3
      Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

      Unlocks were dubbed "alternatives", not improvements by EA so don't be surprised if you find other unlocks to be worse.


      • #4
        Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

        Originally posted by dashizller91
        Unlocks were dubbed "alternatives", not improvements by EA so don't be surprised if you find other unlocks to be worse.
        Yeah, like the G3...more damage per bullet but you loose the n00b tube.
        Or the M95 where you do more damage but are less accurate than the M24.


        • #5
          Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

          The medic unlock is very accurate on single shot with scope. Countless times I've actually outsniped snipers with that thing.


          • #6
            Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

            It can be veeeeeeeeeeeery inaccurate! i use it from time to time but i prefer the m16 hands down, an the ak101 of course.
            I would suggest using it full auto in short bursts and like everyone else says single shot is very accurate!


            • #7
              Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

              BTW, it's L85A1 in-game but usrif_sa80 in the game files.


              • #8
                Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                Thsi Weapon is **** !!!
                Its good for Far Distances with single Shot but in front of a Enemy the aiming is ****...
                The aiming from the m16 is better!
                i would advise u to Unlock the G3 its the Best close Combat Waepon.


                • #9
                  Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                  Originally posted by Harmor
                  Yeah, like the G3...more damage per bullet but you loose the n00b tube.
                  Or the M95 where you do more damage but are less accurate than the M24.
                  Its not less accurate, it just has a greater bullet drop, which can make it seemingly inaccurate but its not.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                    yep yep


                    • #11
                      Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                      I have a lot of exp using the L85A1, its a good gun if used properly. Close range you should jump right in the guys face and go prone for better accuracy, if you dont hit him chances are you'll be dead. long range, use bursts or single shot and its a good sniping weapon.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                        It was my first unlock and boy was I disappointed. Now, after a few thousand more points I find I use it a lot. It's crap full auto, no better than any other, but on single shot you can duel with snipers and since you can heal yourself between shots you tend to win against all but the SVD whores. Wish I'd unlocked the G36C first though.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                          People, People...lets remenber rambo was not a medics. Medics are not a squads anti-sniper. This gun is fine for capping someone with. But its weak so stay as far as possible from the berson, and used bursts.
                          -Just be glad u medics got sumthin more than a pistol


                          • #14
                            Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                            L85A1 best gun ever lol


                            • #15
                              Re: The Medic weapon (never can remember the accurate name)

                              I have the same gun its good on single shot for distance but i use it in full auto most of them time and i have no problem with range

