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Jet flying problems

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  • Jet flying problems

    I've start using my Joystick to fly the JET's in game. The problem i'm having is when I get behind someone flying a jet they turn and then 2 sec's they are behind me.

    When I try doing that when i'm flying I can't seem to turn as fast to get behind the person behind me.

    Is there a button i'm missing? i've tried to slow down and roll and all kinds of stuff. I'm a noob at flying the jet since I never knew I could put my joystick on there.

    Also another problem i'm having is when I start the game. I think it might be from when I patched the game or something but not sure. It takes forever to load into a game. I've been in TeamSpeak with some friends and they can get into the game 2 mintues before I do. My computer is fast and my video card is good. I'm thinking it was a bad install from the patch since I had to do it twice.

    Has anybody else had this problem starting into the game? if so what did you do to fix it. I hate to unistall the game and do it again cause I had issues in getting my login stuff to work. My character was Dustrider and it didn't work so i had to make Dustriderx.

    I'm going to bookmark these forums so I can keep checking for a resp.


  • #2
    Re: Jet flying problems

    The J-10 Fighter (Chinese single-seat jet), has a better turning radius than the F-18 or JSF-35 (USMC single-seat jets).

    Additionally you'll want to slow down when turning to make a tighter turn. Point your nose up a little during the turn as well and roll into the turn.

    I haven't tried, but you may want to run the tweak software for your joystick to increase its sensitivity - I haven't tried it though.

    Good luck pilot.


    • #3
      Re: Jet flying problems

      Thx for the info.


      • #4
        Re: Jet flying problems

        The faster you're going, the tighter your turn will be. It isn't realistic, but that's the way it is.


        • #5
          Re: Jet flying problems

          I'll have to get on a un-started server again tonight and play with the JET somemore.

          I hate flying the hele with the joystick.. i'm much better with the mouse :-)


          • #6
            Re: Jet flying problems

            use the mouse. it is much easier. imo


            • #7
              Re: Jet flying problems

              Sounds like a lot of your issues are just a matter of proficiency...which is good...because with time and'll be able to hang with the aces.

              When I first started flying I had the same problem as you...I concentrated more on learning my defensive flying then offensive so I wasn't always getting blown of the what I did is start a server and lock it (I don't recommend SP unless you have everything SP you're limited to small maps which generally don't have planes).

              Once you're up in a server...go through the maps and just fly around...get used to where your base and the flags are this will help you get repaired and do bombing runs. Once you're comfortable with the map and the basics of flying. Then practice the fancy stuff. Flying upside down. Loops. Seeing what you can fly between, under, over, etc. These will all help in ditching an enemy plane that is hot on your tail.

              In other words. Practice. Lots of it.


              • #8
                Re: Jet flying problems

                Practice, practice. Remember, fighters will always win in dogfights against bombers as they are more agile. Also, don't feel the need to buy a joystick. Mouse/Key is just as good if you get used to it.



                • #9
                  The afterburner can cut down on your turning radius, make sure it's positioned within easy reach on your joystick if it isn't already.
                  And load times for most people in BF are pretty long, getting more RAM will speed it up. If you have less RAM than your friends that could be why you're lagging behind. Also defragging your hard drive could help a bit.
                  [edit]Wow, just realized this thread is a week old.[/edit]


                  • #10
                    Re: Jet flying problems

                    What's with all this misinformation? Speed + turning doesn't make the turning radius tighter. It simply means you'll turn FASTER. Harmor had it right the first time.

                    For a tighter turn slow down and roll into it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Jet flying problems

                      Originally posted by M_Chappy
                      Practice, practice. Remember, fighters will always win in dogfights against bombers as they are more agile. Also, don't feel the need to buy a joystick. Mouse/Key is just as good if you get used to it.

                      Ive shot down lots of F-18's with my SU-34.

                      Don't listen to them mouse-whores, they're all LIES!!! The joystick is a lot better, you don't have to constantly pull it back and push it and blah blah.


                      • #12
                        I prefer the joystick too, like PBASnydey.
                        And when doing turns make sure you use the different axes to make it as tight as possible:
                        Turn rudder in the direction you want to go, roll to the side you want to turn in and pull up so that you're flying sideways.


                        • #13
                          Re: Jet flying problems

                          I just use straight up keyboard. No running the mouse around your pad.


                          • #14
                            Re: Jet flying problems

                            Jets suck, dont fly them, problem solved :evil:


                            • #15
                              Re: Jet flying problems

                              Don't listen to guys who say you can fly with a mouse and keyboard... You will NEVER beat joystick guys with a mouse and keyboard... The guy who said coordinate your turns is right, rudder in the direction of the turn will increase your rate of turn... Also, contrary to popular belief, I've never noticed a difference between models of fighter. I think all the J-10 fanboys are full of it... I bring them down just as often with a JSF as the other way around...

                              Really, what I think the OP's biggest problem is, is practice... Get out and fly more, and don't get discouraged... It takes a lot of practice to hang with the best pilots out there... Don't listen to idiots who will call you a noob or give you **** for getting shot down, either.. There was a learning curve for ALL of us at one point... (Hell, there are still guys that shoot me down a lot, and I've spent most of the past 5 years in flight school!)

