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When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

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  • When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

    Week? Month? Three days? Maybe two? Oh and I'm talking about the patch coming out.

    The 1.03 update is only a few days from release now. Oh and you know on the official site how one of the options on the menu on the left is red for Battlefield tv.

    Well when and what are they planning for that?

  • #2
    Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

    Hopefully October 3rd.


    • #3
      Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

      In this case a few days really does mean a few days.


      • #4
        Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

        Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
        In this case a few days really does mean a few days.
        You best be right or your going to join your pirate brothers under the sea with that mermaid and crap. UNDER THE SEA!!!! and KISS THE GIRL LA LA LA.

        Shocked I remember that. Damn I'm getting old!


        • #5
          Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

          I dunno, knowing EA I say probably January 23rd 2006.

          Battlefield TV - I have no clue. Never even saw it before you mentioned it


          • #6
            Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

            Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
            In this case a few days really does mean a few days.
            Last time they said "days, not weeks" it was like, right on 14 days? I think they have their concept of time really screwed up, or maybe they purchases special clocks that go half the speed of regular time to get more work out of their already-overworked employees.


            • #7
              Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

              wow, you people are amazing with your wild theories and neverending EA hatemongering.


              • #8
                Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                it means my plan worked. if the patch comes, you all have me to thank.


                • #9
                  Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                  Originally posted by glasseye
                  it means my plan worked. if the patch comes, you all have me to thank.
                  Says you who proclaimed that it didn't even exist 2 and a half days ago.


                  • #10
                    Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                    Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
                    Says you who proclaimed that it didn't even exist 2 and a half days ago.
                    because it didnt. EA saw i was onto them and spreading the truth throught cyberspace so now they have their child labor force working overtime trying to make it.
                    all part of my plan.


                    • #11
                      Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                      1 day in EA terms = 1 week in regular terms :laugh:


                      • #12
                        Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                        Originally posted by glasseye
                        because it didnt. EA saw i was onto them and spreading the truth throught cyberspace so now they have their child labor force working overtime trying to make it.
                        all part of my plan.
                        lol :laugh:

                        I was only jokin about EA's use of the word "days". I say Monday. (Thanks to glasseye )


                        • #13
                          Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                          About dates, EA is mostly good , I think it will be a few days now, maybe next wek or so.

                          When EA isn't shure about something, they just say nothing.

                          Be glad it isn't valve , when they say a few days , it means a few months and when they say next year, it means 5 years later


                          • #14
                            Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                            Originally posted by rombaft
                            About dates, EA is mostly good , I think it will be a few days now, maybe next wek or so.

                            When EA isn't shure about something, they just say nothing.

                            Be glad it isn't valve , when they say a few days , it means a few months and when they say next year, it means 5 years later
                            When they said "days" couldn't it mean 29 days since technically its less than a month (except February)?


                            • #15
                              Re: When EA says a few days what does it really mean?

                     means that there really is no patch.

