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2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

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  • 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

    so my buddy goes to eb games intown here, to buy a new game, an toss a bit more $$ onto his pre-order for his ybox and found out supposedly that there's gonna be two different ybox's released on the scheduled release date, supposedly the good one which comes with everything, and a crappy one that comes with no HDD, no wireless ctrl (wired one maybe?), and crap video cables (maybe comes with like the old nes tv hookup? lmao)

    anyone else hear anythin bout this? as when he first went and pre-ordered it, there was supposedly only 1 to pre-order or whatever

  • #2
    Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

    are they the same colour?


    • #3
      Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

      no clue, all the guy there said was that they were gonna be selling the cheaper one w/o the items listed above, tho a dif color'd be sweet, i bet its probably the exact same system minus the hdd an stuff, tho no hdd? suck to have to buy memory cards lol


      • #4
        Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

        theres the 299 core model which you get the basic abilities to play the games. The premium one is 399 and you get the wireless controller, remote, componet HD cables, and a few other pricey things. I just went with that one because it would have costed more to get those things after if I went with the core bundle by a little over 100$

        Oh yeah the 20Gig harddrive too with the 399 one.


        • #5
          Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

          It's really going to hurt the game developers because now they can't release patches for everyone since not everyone has a HDD in their xbox. I see a lot of version compatibilty issues for them, and customers wondering why they can't play on XYZ server because their game is unpatched.


          • #6
            Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

            i doubt most ppl that own a xbox are signed onto xbox live. i know i aint, that crap is a rip off.

            but if a HDD is optional, they must be planing to release memory cards, right? also, wtf are HDD component cables?


            • #7
              Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

              think he ment the high definistion component cables, basically HDTV stuff, and harddrive i'd think would be a must personally, especially if any games use it to speed up loadtimes (kinda like how FFXI did for ps2) and a few other games can't quite remember teh names of atm. downloadable content patches aren't that big a issue, ps2 updates for games fit on the memory card fine, tho if like me u have tons of gamesaves that u don't delete, getting a ton of patches could eventually make u run outta space

              tho i do believe that u'll be able to purchase a HDD seperate from the ybox, maybe different sized ones? that'd be cool, specially if you liked tossing music on the HDD for ingame tunes


              • #8
                Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

                FFXI was great. one of the best mmorpg's out there.


                • #9
                  Re: 2 different ybox's (xbox 360) at launch?

                  Well My new computer can hold me over till I get my first job then I might by a 360 if the price goes down Damn minimum Wage!!

