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I actually quite like this game....

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  • I actually quite like this game....

    I like playing BF2. I like the Engy kit with the shotgun and the repairing our tanks in the thick of battle. I like the intense rush of defending a hot flag, and looking around nervously as I try to take one by myself. I am happy that I spent £29.99 on the game and I have had a good laugh playing it.
    The guns aren't as accurate as they could be and the punish system is badly thought out, but so what?
    The game is a bit buggy and sometimes its annoying but other times it works fine and its a rush y'know?

    Just saddens me to see everyone being so negative I thought I would just put this here to make myself feel a bit better about the world.

    Crash :P

  • #2
    Re: I actually quite like this game....

    yeh you can have some very good times on bf2...not to be forgotten... you lucky bum cos i was sooooo eager to get bf2 after playing all the previous titles that i bought it on the day of release for £32.99... mwhehehe £3...£3...:cry:


    • #3
      Re: I actually quite like this game....

      Just remember that hardly anyone is actually moaning about the game, they have sold over 1 MILLION copies and there are what? 300 people in this forum that constantly whine about the game (yet still play it... and talk about it.. and visit a BF2 forum.....)

      In reality a tiny percentage of people are unhappy with the game its just the haters are always more vocal (and abusive) such is the same in all aspects of life.

      this game is no more or less buggy then any other game IMHO, even the patch fiasco happens in all other games (CS:S has been screwed at the last update for loads of people and it still isnt really complete after 2 years of (original) retail date) It consistently has equal or MORE players then CS:S and only the original CS is more popular in the FPS genre, and not by much in peak times either. That alone speaks for itself i think on how much people like or dislike the game


      • #4
        Re: I actually quite like this game....

        So do I I have no problem with the game at all. And I barly ever crash.


        • #5
          Re: I actually quite like this game....

          most players dont have a problem with the game but with the people playing it. If there where no nubtubers, BHwhores, WHATEVERexploiters then people wouldnt complain about that "bugs"


          • #6
            Re: I actually quite like this game....


            Group hug people, come on group hug


            • #7
              Re: I actually quite like this game....

              *hugs, slips you packet of C4, walks away casually*


              • #8
                Re: I actually quite like this game....

                *Gets a bomber ready*


                • #9
                  Re: I actually quite like this game....

                  lucky there are some whiners, its cause of them constantly whine bout something, patches are made, not of people that dont open their eyes for a buggy game.
                  i love bf2, but honesty should be in place that its not the best result they could come up with (for such a big firm) . like Microsoft is such a billionaire firm, they cant just make one non crashable, non buggy system. EA is a firm like that too... learn to spend ur money EA ... wisely. for whats a beta and alpha version for? it makes u wonder how many other bugs they got out of the game before we got it in our hands, and now were one big happy beta-testing-family

