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Crash at 46% loading

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  • Crash at 46% loading

    Well finally finished my map did all the lighting after dramas with that even!!

    Now for some unknown friggin reason the game CTD at 46%????

    WTF!! it works in bf2_r mode though..

    Never have i used such a buggy editor

    i even tried running at medium settings still no luck.

    any suggetstion anyone plz:cry: :cry:

  • #2
    Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

    BF2_r mode?

    I know how frustrating the editor can be.

    Have you ran in windowed mode to see what the error says?

    Are you using any secondary heightmaps? If not make sure in your surrounding terrain you right click and remove patch on all blue boxes except the center one. Give that a try maybe?


    • #3
      Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

      This is the error im getting funny thing i generated the lightmaps last night?

      tried to generate atlas it reckons *Failed*

      I think it is my Lightmaps because in my lightmaps folder their is only about 4 files and no objects folder at all..:cry: :cry: serenity now...serenity now...

      and yea i visit that forum a lot


      • #4
        Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

        sorry to hear about that i find going to this website
        and go to search and type 62% or crash and read the forums or even just scroll thru the forums as i bet so one else has added a thread on your problem, i hope thus helps good luck

        ps i know editor can funny at times i just hope they fix it soon


        • #5
          Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

          ffs i cleaned out the lightmaps and deleted the lightmaps folder now its still asking me for the bloody LightMapatlas!!! This is just retarded


          • #6
            Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

            If you read your other post on lightmaps I said make sure not to delete the lightmapatlas.tia file. That error msg says it's missing. I think it can be recreated with the compile settings somehow or you can grab one from another map and edit it.


            • #7
              Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

              yea but thing is i didnt have one to begin with lol? It just said i was missing it

              I will just try and compile again for the 3rd time, 3rd time lucky maybe

              Thanx anyway


              • #8
                Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

                Copy a lightmap folder from another map.


                • #9
                  Re: %^&* sic of this!!!

                  sonds like a redo


                  • #10
                    Re: Crash at 46% loading

                    Please endeavour to give your topics more descriptive titles in the future.


                    • #11
                      Re: Crash at 46% loading

                      well crash at 46% sounded enough to me??????????????????????????????????
                      BEcause well thats what it is doing i cant get any more descriptive than that can i.


                      • #12
                        Re: Crash at 46% loading

                        Originally posted by NAK[n00gz]Wolf
                        well crash at 46% sounded enough to me??????????????????????????????????
                        BEcause well thats what it is doing i cant get any more descriptive than that can i.
                        %^&* sic of this!!! << is not a descriptive title.


                        • #13
                          Re: Crash at 46% loading

                          I changed your topic - as drunken pirate said, it was "%^&* sic of this!!!" before I edited it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Crash at 46% loading

                            oh well my bad sorry was just annoyed when it happened i spose

                            can u copy lightmaps from another map?

                            I thought that wasnt possible

