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BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

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  • BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

    First of all, thanks to all those who take the time to offer their expertise to those of us who are less talented. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Now, here's my problem.

    I heard about BF 2, downloaded the demo, and it worked great on my system. I was able to play both single and multi player online with no problem.

    Based on that, I went out and purchased the full version and installed it. After installing it, I downloaded the 1.02 patch and patched the installation. Now it runs fine on single player, and will bring up the multi player server panel, but hangs when I try to connect to a server. I am able to see the servers, and the program pings them OK, but when I try to join, the "joining server" label comes up and the computer hangs.

    At that point I can see the processor light flickering, and if I try to bring up task manager, it takes a very long time for it to appear, if at all.

    My machine specs are below, and the only stats it fails on is the processor speed and video card. My processor is an AMD Athlon XP 1800 at 1500 ghz and EA recommends 1700. The video card is a geforce fx 5200 w/ 128 meg of ram. However, as I said, the demo worked fine, with little or no lag, on the same setup.

    EA's tech support says it is the video card that is the problem. That doesn't make sense to me as the video runs fine on single player, and ran fine on multiplayer in the demo version.

    Any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Specs - From the EA easy info program.
    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) Pass Windows XP

    System Memory 1024.5 Pass 512.0

    Processor Speed 1500.0 Fail 1700 Mhz (1.7 GHz)

    DirectX Version 9.0c Pass 9.0c

    Display Device NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Unknown Compatibility

    Display Memory 128.0 Pass 128.0

    Display Driver Unknown Compatibility

    Sound Device Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) Pass

    Sound Driver Unknown Compatibility

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

    After doing a little more research, I also tried the following with no better results:

    Turned off my firewalls
    Updated all drivers, including MOBO

    Still hangs when I go to join a server? Is anyone else having this problem?



    • #3
      Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

      No thanks to EA, after much frustration, 2 weeks of research, finally realized PB was not installed in BF2 folder. Installed PBWEB.exe and all is well.



      • #4
        Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

        The problem's back. Worked fine for several days.then suddenly started having same problem again. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Patched, up dated PB, updated drivers, double checked firewalls,re-entered game code, and can't figure it out. For a while I was using system restore to get it to run. But then I got stupid and deleted the previous restore date. Now I am having the same problem as described above. I'm seriously thinking about a re-format and re-install. Before I do, I thought I'd see if anyone here had a suggestion.

        Pirate! Shark! I could sure use some helpm


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

          Hi Richdiver m8
          I feel your pain!
          You will not like this but.....
          This is the BF2 program looking to see if your PC comes up to scratch for it to run (minimum specs).

          System Memory 1024.5 Pass 512.0 >>>>> OK for now

          Processor Speed 1500.0 Fail 1700 Mhz (1.7 GHz) >>>. Your CPU is way under

          DirectX Version 9.0c Pass 9.0c >>>OK

          Display Device NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Unknown Compatibility >>>>> Vid card cannot handle the full game!
          The requirements for the Demo were / are different to the full game.

          Display Memory 128.0 Pass 128.0 >>OK

          Display Driver Unknown Compatibility >>>> Driver not up to date or starch?

          Sound Device Vinyl AC'97 Audio (WAVE) Pass >>>>>>.on board sound not recommended,,,, specially for a stressed out CPU.

          Sound Driver Unknown Compatibility>>>>>Driver not up to date or scratch?

          I know you are going to say it ran the demo fine and why will it not run the full game, well, the full game is a different package to the demo and it's needs from your PC are different.
          You may,.... "at most" be able to tweak the S**t out of your PC if you know what you are doing and are GURU pc savvy, to get the full game to run,......... just to see it all go up in flames and smoke.
          Basically M8 to play BF2 you are looking at a new PC. Sorry


          • #6
            Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

            Great White, Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I'm sorry to be so ignorant on this subject, but I am confused. I was playing the full version, not the demo version, up until about 4 or 5 days ago. Why did it suddenly stop? I know my PC is not up to specs, but it was playing fine for several days. Is it possible that it is somehow missing a PB update? Or a driver I missed?

            Thanks again for your help and your patience.



            • #7
              Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

              To me, it sounds like a straight-up connection problem and nothing else. Updated Ethernet drivers are always a good idea and if you are using a router, make sure it is properly configured for UDP (used for gaming). EA has a list of ports and stuff but most don't need to do anything special to get online. Just ensure all firewalls are off. Here are the links:

              How do you resolve issues connecting to the servers?

              There was an error listening to a socket' when connecting online.

              Before reformatting the HD, I would manually uninstall the game and defrag first. Then reinstall to test it out.

              How do you manually uninstall the game?


              • #8
                Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

                In no way are you ignorant m8, or you would have just given up.

                On second thoughts hanging when choosing in task manager suggests your RAM not flushing out and cough* over full * cough. This may be due to background programs running that you don't realise, temporary files need clearing (then defrag) and other stuff.

                Run your anti spyware like Ad-Aware SE.

                Empty out your BF2 "cache" files.

                Try adjusting / increasing your "virtual memory" then download and install this Tuneup 2006, 30 day free trial go through all the tools and adjust to your needs but pay particular attention to the parts on setting "startup programs" "Memory Optimisation" and "registry".
                Particularly look at running the "manual Optimiser" RAM Optimiser just before starting up the game.
                Some interesting thoughts for and against Tuneup 2006

                I'm really interested if any of this gets you up and running m8 plz post back on results.



                • #9
                  Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

                  Gentlemen, Thanks for some excellent suggestions. I will try them out just as soon as I get home from vacation and let you know. I'm guessing it's the ram issue. I'll let you know.

                  Thanks again to all of you for sharing your talents.



                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

                    It's up and working! Not sure what helped but here's what I did.

                    Deleted c:/mydocuments/BF2 folder

                    By the way my game is loaded on a separate drive(e:/)

                    Ran anti virus and anti spyware - deleted spyware cookies - (Should not matter)

                    Used memtest and ran the memory test for 12 hours. All was good - (Should not matter)

                    Downloaded PBWEB.exe and updated PB - I had already done this several times, and don't think it was the issue.

                    My guess is that there was an issue in the C:/Mydocuments/BF2 folder and that deleting it resolved the issue.

                    However, I am not sure.

                    Sharky and Shamus, Thanks again for your help!



                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 Locks up when joining server - Please help.

                      A quick follow up on this problem - It started happening again shortly after the last post. I bought a new hard drive and re-installed the entire operating system and programs 1 by 1 until I figured it out.

                      Turns out to be something with the Yahoo SBC DSL parental control program.

                      I no longer have parental controls on this computer.


