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Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

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  • Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

    Whenever I use commander menu its fine while I'm in it but whenever I back out into first person the framerate goes to all hell and the only way to fix it is by alt tabbing out and then back in to clear the memory. Anyone else have this issue?

  • #2
    Re: Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

    I am too and I hate it. Before I had 1 GB Ram (2x512) DDR and the game would hiccup when with all settings on high and 2x AA. Also, when changing to commander mode I was noticing a -20 fps drop. I then decided to change to 2 GB Ram (2x1GB) DDR and I must say it's alot better now since there are no more hiccups.
    The bad thing is that the commander mode fps drop didn't get fixed as I hoped as well. It goes back to normal once I re-connect to the server since it tends to stay jerkier even if you resign. I never tried alt+tab'ing though. I read people that seem to have no problems, which is strange.

    I guess the commander mode probably eats more resources because of it's ability to zoom onto the whole map and those who have mid-range fps (like me) at 35-50 may notice the drastic -20 fps change (to 18-30 fps) while others running at 60-80 fps don't notice anything (change to 40-60 fps) and, of course, say they have no problems. Even if you don't notice any slowdowns in commander mode please check if there is a change of your average fps (console - "renderer.drawfps 1" I think) and report back in this thread so we can determine if the source of the slowdown is in the game itself or if it is our specs.

    BTW my specs are as follows:
    Intel P4 3.21 GHz
    ATI RADEON 9800XT 256 MB w/ latest ati 5.9 catalyst drivers
    Windows XP SP2
    SB Audigy 2


    • #3
      Re: Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

      as i said in a few other posts, BF2 is extremely memory dependent

      with all settings maxed, it takes up almost a full gig of ram
      if you dont have enough ram bf will compress all the textures in your memory, which greatly hinders performance

      and zooming in as commander, basically adds your FOV + all your team members which takes up even more memory


      • #4
        Re: Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

        Originally posted by Warm Pudgy
        as i said in a few other posts, BF2 is extremely memory dependent

        with all settings maxed, it takes up almost a full gig of ram
        if you dont have enough ram bf will compress all the textures in your memory, which greatly hinders performance

        and zooming in as commander, basically adds your FOV + all your team members which takes up even more memory
        But how to explain that I notice fps drop even with 2GB Ram then. Maybe I require a better gfx card or processor?


        • #5
          Re: Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

          I've been doing some tests and finnaly found which feature of the commander mode was causing the memory leak. Try zooming all the way in to a point in the map and then exit the commander menu. My game dropped from 40 fps to 15 fps immediatly.

          I tried alt+tab'ing like jmuduke said and it went back to 40 fps. It's really probably a memory leak and I hope that this gets fixed in the next patch.

          Those players who say they have no problems, as I said, don't notice anything because they have average of 60 fps and maybe the fps doesn't have to go down to 15. Those who have high fps get low as 35 and, logically, don't notice much difference.


          • #6
            Re: Huge Fps Hit After Commander Menu

            I notice a difference between 70fps and 40. It is a significant drop. I have a good rig and I shouldn't be getting fps drops after commander menu.

            3.2ghz p4
            2gig Corsair PC3200
            Radeon X800PRO 256

