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Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

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  • #46
    Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

    Originally posted by Sur_MÖSE
    I dont think it can be said too many times, PUNISHMENT is ****ing lame.

    Especially considering Ive seen nothing about correcting it in the next patch.
    They said that they are reworking the way TK's are decided. So say you are a BH pilot and get rammed by a jet, you dont get the tk credits. They are working on the logic behind them, not the punish system.

    Sorry for double post.


    • #47
      Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2? Rub O' Death..... no please..... no more..... I can't take it no more....
      There's bullets, rockets, tanks, choppers, arty, explosives, knives, snipers, none of which is very health and safety concious.
      A bloody boat nudges you to death.


      • #48
        Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

        Happened the other night when had a quick game had something like 56 points just captured a flag got in a Fast Attack Vehicle ooOOOOoo a buggy:|: So went speeding off down road to go get me a flag and everyone had spawned at this flag and for reason like lemmings they all ran into the road before could stop the buggy there was a line of dead friendly bodies :|: Got kicked off server even though not had a single take before that and was top of the server at the time.Happy Days.


        • #49
          Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

          TK punish system is the all time lamest thing in BF2


          • #50
            Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

            someone throwing c4 from the blackhawk has to be one of the lamest things.

            being tv guided from across the map

            seeing support poeple chaulk up multi-hundred points during a single round for doing nothing but whoring in the BH, lame.

            but all highly effective for this f#*^ed up game.


            • #51
              Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

              Originally posted by ConscriptVirus
              getting bombed and then when respawned..getting hit by artillery..and then getting bombed again..yeah..see the pattern?
              That's the lamest for me too... just joining a server, spawn, shot in the back, spawn, artillery, spawn, bombed, spawn shot in the back, spawn artillery, etc etc... SEVEN deaths in a row without ever even seeing an enemy.


              • #52
                Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                Originally posted by ottobuck
                someone throwing c4 from the blackhawk has to be one of the lamest things.

                being tv guided from across the map

                seeing support poeple chaulk up multi-hundred points during a single round for doing nothing but whoring in the BH, lame.

                but all highly effective for this f#*^ed up game.

                Seeing support, resupply type people get big points is my pet peeve as well. I mean how many times have you seen the top scoring supply guy, on the losing team? Tons. Why is that? Because in all reality they "ARNT" helping their team. Hell, if they get 200 points, and the team still loses, that says it all there.
                I dont see how a grunt, getting flags, keeping flags, and killing well, can say get a score of 60 or so points, while some dipshi$ not even firing a weapon, on a losiing team ends up with 200 points in the same round. That really dont even make sense.
                Reverse the ranking system. lol
                When you start you get EVERYTHING, all unlocks. As you progress you start losing instead of getting, unlocks. As you gain rank, you pick which unlock you want, gone. lol. Hey the more you play the more you shouldnt need unlocks....not the other way around.


                • #53
                  Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                  Originally posted by Attila
                  That's the lamest for me too... just joining a server, spawn, shot in the back, spawn, artillery, spawn, bombed, spawn shot in the back, spawn artillery, etc etc... SEVEN deaths in a row without ever even seeing an enemy.
                  lol oh yeah.

                  I've always said, bombers, helos, and the way the arty is now, only ruins a good firefight between squads.

                  I cant tell you the amount of times i have been with a squad, that was attacking a flag, against what obviously was another good squad. Anywho, having a really GREAT battle for that flag, then along comes some super hot 1337 su pilot, dropping spawn bombs, killing our squad, and half of the other one, resulting in TK's for him. In short, the bomber ruined what could have been an otherwise, good time.


                  • #54
                    Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                    Originally posted by Kadorn
                    ...His BH blows up, as does mine, I get the blame for all the tks and get punished by everyone.
                    That wins the prize.

                    Congratulations, you have been the victim of the Lamest BF2 Bug.

                    In your honor/memory, from this day forth, any victim of a senseless act of lamety playing BF2 can be said to be "getting Kadorn-holed".


                    • #55
                      Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                      Two lame things that happen kind of alot to me. Spawning about 1 ft in front of a moving jeep. Also, and i have no idea why this happens, but i play medic alot and i'll just run up behind some guy on my own team w/ no health to heal him and he just turns around and shoots the **** out of me.


                      • #56
                        Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                        I was the gunner on top of a four man hummer. The driver is hairing along the the roads of Daqing Oilfields when a full BH lands infront of us too close for the driver to break or change direction. BOOOOM! I get all the tks and I wasn't even driving!!!


                        • #57
                          Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                          I was playing on Strike at Karkand and i was in the tank on the bridge at the top right side of the map and someone in front on my team was in the a tank as well and he kept stopping and not moving, then he finally started to move, but suddenly he reversed backwards knocking into me and pushing me back into people on my team, i got like 5 team kills for that and got punnished for them all giving me a negative teamwork score, then my tank got stuck on the side barrior causing it to blow.

                          Also was playing in Strike at Karkand on Game Daemon server, the US team kept loosing the rounds, so i went commander and got it won back, our team had all the points as US, and the round was going to end i used artillitary on a point that had the last group left then i got perma banned for team killing.

                          Oh yeah that was all about an hour ago!.


                          • #58
                            Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                            was about to blow up 5+ guys with c4 running backwards, had the remote in hand, and it kept dropping c4s, got hit by the tank


                            • #59
                              Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                              I agree, punishing is LAME!!!! I was in a F18 last night, already shot down 3 enemy fighters, and a missile tracked off the enemy fighter into a Blackhawk full of friendlies. All punished, it was a good thing auto kick was off. Now if a full blackhawk blows up...all TK's from an F18, my first thought is that it was an accident. These guys did not even gimme time to apologize. The problem is that noone gives their teammates the benefit of doubt, everyone assumes the TK'er did it on pourpose.


                              • #60
                                Re: Whats the lamest thing to happen to you in Bf2?

                                Beeing kicked for excessive teamkilling right after joining the the server, without even selecting a kit serveral times now.

