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Fighter Plane Canon

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  • Fighter Plane Canon

    Ive started to get into flying fighters, at least when there is not a huge amount of people waiting for one.
    But I was wondering how poweful the machinegun on it (or canon) is. Like can you destroy an attack Helo with one accurate strafe of fire from it?
    Also I often see good pilots even taking out infantry and small ground vehicles, is this difficult to do?

  • #2
    Re: Fighter Plane Canon

    That sucker is very powerful.


    • #3
      Re: Fighter Plane Canon

      i took out an apc once with it, i was suprised when it blew up


      • #4
        Re: Fighter Plane Canon

        if you can manage to actually hit the target, you'll do some decent damage.


        • #5
          Re: Fighter Plane Canon

          Its not that powerful compared to how it should be in real life. You usually need to make 2 strafing runs on a full health chopper to take it down. It can take out a car in one pass though. Its way to weak against air vehicles though, IMHO.


          • #6
            Re: Fighter Plane Canon

            It's fun taking out APC's with it when you have no bombs.


            • #7
              Re: Fighter Plane Canon

              I see..I often find the problem is simple the time I get my sights on the vehicle/helo I only have couple of seconds before I will collide with it.


              • #8
                Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                I tested it on oman, I dont quite remember if I shot missiles at it or not, but that machinegun certainly blew up a T-90. Took around 10 seconds.

                One of the very few times I used a jet I managed to kill someone in an IGLA with it on cleansweep, I was going full speed. I was very happy with that since I dont really like planes that much unless there is something to shoot at.


                • #9
                  Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                  very good... when the game first came out... I only concentrated on missiles, now I use to gun as much as possible


                  • #10
                    Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                    The guns are truly amazing. You can take out anything with them as long as you hit the target long enough. I no longer bomb AA turrets or tows, they are easy kills with the guns. Jeeps and boats are easy also. Armor you really gotta slow down and rail it with bullets to destroy them from full health, but it's worth it to try because if they're half health you may take it down faster than you think. Also, it'll make it easier for a teammate to destroy it and pick up kill assist points. Flag areas where you think there just might be infantry...shoot first and ask questions later.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                      You can stop anything that flys off the carrier with that sucker, if you get air superority (easy in J10), you can make that Essex AA tower the tower of sucide and own the round in 5 minutes.

                      When aiming the gun aim at cocpets of choppers, kills it in 2 sec if you dont miss. APCs can be killed by shooting at it for around 3 sec then drop both your bomb on it. Tanks the same IF you shoot at the engine, which is hard. If you shooting other jets aim for the cockpet, if not jets can take lots of canon rounds on its back.

                      And dont bother with killing infantry with it, you cant spot them them fast enough, other than that they own the map.

                      and forgot, half a sec burst for that gun can take out any small AA tower, 1sec burst can take out any boat, talk about easy kills


                      • #12
                        Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                        Also a good thing if you want to completely own the ground is learn the map layout and fly low avoiding any high objects, that way you can because the scare the hell out of infrantary when you fly right over there heads(usually sends them running for armor and cover heh


                        • #13
                          Re: Fighter Plane Canon

                          Don't bother killing infantry with it? Are you NUTS? Infantry is the best thing to kill with the cannon... Use your rudders to walk the stream of bullets across a flag area.. Bang 2-3 kills.. (just check your map first and make sure YOUR team is clear, or it will be 2-3 TKs)..

