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Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

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  • Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !


    I was playing a server this morning. I was in the US attack chopper and had been taking out targets, id been playing on the server trouble free for the past 10 rounds. I see a tank way off in the distance i cant see anything on the map although i did only briefly look. i fire the missles and 6 seconds after impact im kicked for excessive teamkilling ! Whats with that is the no margin for error whatsoever ??

    I find the whole matter very frustraighting surely there should be room for errors such as this.

  • #2
    Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

    You get that message whenever you are kicked if you don't get kicked by admin.


    • #3
      Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

      same thing happend to me one time...
      i just shot one of my teamates in the back (accident) and i got BANNED...
      banned for ONE teamdamage!
      Some servers just have too smal margines!


      • #4
        Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

        Is there a temp ban, or is it only permanent ?

        Ive only been banned a couple times - but my got3n stats show 0...


        • #5
          Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !



          • #6
            Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

            They are normally timed, altough we admins can chage that from short time to forever!!


            • #7
              Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

              Wow. That's pretty harsh. Friendly fire does happen every once and a while, that's why it's usually 3 times and you're out.


              • #8
                Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                My record for getting kicked and banned (for 1 round) is about 10 sec. after joining a server.
                I came in the server (don't know the name anymore) joined China as an engineer placed 3 anti-tank mines by the entrenca of the flag.
                At the same time 3 team members jump in a jeep and drive straight into the mines.

                You have being kicked for massive team killing.:cry:


                • #9
                  Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                  Originally posted by dwuf76
                  They are normally timed, altough we admins can chage that from short time to forever!!
                  ahhh thanks for clearing that...


                  • #10
                    Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                    yes, particularly when the damn server puts me in a MEC suit but I am on the US team, so I kill a US guy and get a teamkill, its like wtf !! Then in the next 10 sec i get switched 'to' the US team, which I apparently was already ON!!, and then back to the MEC team. ThIs autoswitching feature could indeed be useful IF it worked!!!!! But it is totally screwed as it is now. When is this patch going to come out???? 2007??


                    • #11
                      Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                      Originally posted by Krypp596
                      its not permanent. its only about a 20 min ban if your banned automatically by the server unless its the admin banning your manually, then he has the option of a time ban or permanant.
                      "Crunch's First Officer"
                      twitter: @signaprime


                      • #12
                        Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                        Yeah I dont think I've ever been banned manually, just for the quick 3 accident teamkills..mines,etc.


                        • #13
                          Re: Teamkilling bans are getting a joke !

                          Originally posted by signa
                          its not permanent. its only about a 20 min ban if your banned automatically by the server unless its the admin banning your manually, then he has the option of a time ban or permanant.
                          No it unbans you when the round ends not after a certain time.

