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What class do you play as?

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  • #31
    Re: What class do you play as?

    Depends on what i want to do that particular round or map. But 90% of the time im Medic or Engineer as i feel their abilities are the most poweful. (like healing your tank on karkand etc, or during infantry combat medics are powerful)

    Sometimes i'll be AT if a tank or apc keeps getting on my nerves. I dont think ive ever been support, and i rarely take assault or sniper.


    • #32
      Re: What class do you play as?

      Hoppum, a tip: make it a poll.


      • #33
        Re: What class do you play as?

        I look at my squad's loadout, think about what situation we're in, and choose accordingly. For my initial kit, I'll usually ask the SL what he needs.


        • #34
          Re: What class do you play as?

          I suppose it would have to be #1 for me. I play virtually all the time now as spec ops mainly because of the G36c and the spec ops class is a jack of all trades. I used to play as a medic a lot though.


          • #35
            Re: What class do you play as?

            There are three classes i play as 80% of the time.

            Engineer, because its 1337
            Sniper, because the M95 ROCKS
            Anti-Tank because the DAO-12 ROCKS


            • #36
              Re: What class do you play as?

              I'll be honest, i thrived on the DOA. It was my first choice for unlock. Got up to around 78th position with it in the shotty/AT class with it. Could have gone higher up i think, but... i got to be honest, as i said. I have fallen in love with a weapon that many folks call the noob tube. Nade launcher. Its definitly not because i dont know how to aim, or shoot other guns, as most good nader launchers are accused of in game, many times. Its just, for me.....alot of fun. And in all reality, that seems like the best weapon to use, when your on a squad, or server filled with non teamworkers. If you use some stealth, some skill, you can take pretty much take any flag, by yourself, with that weapon. Providing armor isnt around that is.


              • #37
                Re: What class do you play as?

                1. Anti tank. Simply beacuse its not easy to kill with. Its my way of training for a better aim. When i master the mp5 i may hopefully be able to use those skills with all the other wepons. And eryx/sraw sniping is nice. And i can treathen armors.

