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Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

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  • Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

    i think this is pretty funny that posted three videos for tips of battelfield 2 in their insider secrets section when other the other secrets are like teaching u how to use programs, etc. Tip 1: Kit selection, system requirements Tip 2: Anti-tank isnt just for tanks, use it on people Tip 3: Use c4 suiciding & shoot at damaged helis or planes and u might get the kill.

    basic stuff, newbies might wanna check this out. plus they're playing on a massive alienware laptop.

  • #2
    Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

    those videos were pathetic


    • #3
      Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

      Holy sh1t please tell me they're kidding.


      • #4
        Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

        So tip #2, use the rocket launcher as a n00b cannon, pfft muppets!


        • #5
          Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

          they're serious? some ppl really need to get a life! (i feel dirty just watching that 2nd video )


          • #6
            Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

            Takes out his retainer
            "Run little rabbit. Run back to your humble abode and await my call, for one day fate with make our branches twine."
            Puts retainer back into mouth


            • #7
              Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

              ^^POST ABOVE^^
              I think I might be one of the only people to understand that reference!

              HOLY ****ING LISP!

              When you sfpsfire your rocketspfffh they spffulaughter opposhphfffing bad guyspfffss...


              • #8
                Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                Oh, come on, guys. Let's not pretend that you didn't eat all this stuff up, too, when you were a newbie to the game. (And yes, deny it all you want, but you were a newbie once, too. )


                • #9
                  Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                  Tip #3 is pretty good. Not a lot of people do that.


                  • #10
                    Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                    Pathetic videos, they made cringe because they were so awkward..


                    • #11
                      Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                      Originally posted by Lu0s3r322

             Tip 2: Anti-tank isnt just for tanks, use it on people

                      I hate that people using AT on me as infantry, I mean come on use a gun you wussies.


                      • #12
                        Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                        Nice laptop though.. it plays better than my desktop.
                        Not many tips.. more like "noob with lisp states the obvious"...

                        If you liked those, heres some from me:

                        Assault: Use the grendade launcher. If the 'nade lands near a bad guy, it does a bit of damage to him. Use this to your advantage and try to shoot people with it.

                        Anti Tank: Your anti tank gun is great to use against infantry, nobody ever does this so be a first! Use them all up so the opposing tanks/apc's can take over bases easier. Remember this 1 thing. NEVER, I mean NEVER shoot a tank.. You might injure your team mates or worse, tk YOURSELF. If you do so, make sure to punish yourself if the option comes up and that way you can make a mental note to yourself to NEVER shoot a tank with an ATM again.

                        Medic: EVERYBODY start off as medic on Sharqui. That way when people need ammo and nobody is dieing/getting hurt, you can drop some medic packs for later.

                        Sniper: Sniper looks like a walking poot-tang bush. This makes great cammo for getting in a tank or rushing bases. You are the front line with your firepower of 2 claymores and a sniper rifle. Make sure to drop claymores in your friendly team bases right on your teams spawn because when the other team takes over, they will spawn there and die.

                        Engineer: Your handgrendades are your best friend. Throw them at opposing helo's and with a little luck, they might blow up midair or get caught in the roaters.

                        Special Forces: Make sure to drop all of your c4 within a 2 foot circle RIGHT next to your base. When your flag starts to drop, hit the button killing the fool who is laying on top of your c4 (along with 5 of your team mates who happend to be in blast radius too.. but hey, war is hell and has its casulties). REMEMBER to stick all your c4 on top of each other. DO NOT spread them out because the blast of 5 c4 will always kill a guy whereas they might get free if they are only in the blast radius of 1 or 1+1/2. Use all of your c4 on your base because it is useless against everything else.

                        Support: This class is useless. If you follow all of the above tips, none of your team mates will live long enough to need ammo.

                        That ends our seenet tips and tricks!! THANKS FOR WATCHING.


                        • #13
                          Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                          hahahaha cool tips felix


                          • #14
                            Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                            Originally posted by felix**fs
                            Engineer: Your handgrendades are your best friend. Throw them at opposing helo's and with a little luck, they might blow up midair or get caught in the roaters.
                            lol.. against a BH this actually works if you toss the grenade inside.. only managed it once but the effect was dramatic

                            *edit* if that's all it takes to become a gamespot reviewer, maybe I'm in the wrong line of business.. at least I don't lisp as much as that poor sob..


                            • #15
                              Re: Cnet Battelfield 2 tips, lol

                              Originally posted by Real_2St0n3d
                              lol.. against a BH this actually works if you toss the grenade inside.. only managed it once but the effect was dramatic

                              *edit* if that's all it takes to become a gamespot reviewer, maybe I'm in the wrong line of business.. at least I don't lisp as much as that poor sob..
                              If you ever want to be in showbusiness you need an edge. There are millions of gamers out there.. But a gamer with a LISP!? THATS cnet material. I might fake like I have parkinsons or carebrial paulsey to see if I can make it on the cnet team. After reading those tips and watching the videos, it appears that you have to have SOME kind of physical/mental handicap to write or report on cnet.

                              P.S. thanks for reading my LONG post. I'm glad that you liked it

