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Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

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  • Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

    I was thinking, the reason the MEC transport sucks so hard is the MG mounted on them are almost impossible to kill anything with while flying. But, instead of mounting up something like the miniguns on the bh (those things are insane, but cool ^_^), mount up something like the MEC attack choppers get sometimes.. The automatic grenade launcher.

    Something like this: (HK Mk19 GPMG)

    Just make the grenades about the same explosion radius (they are the same type of grenades) as the M203's or GP30 (maybe less for gameplay reasons) with slightly less initial arch to them (longer barrel = more velocity). As long as it didn't do insane dmg to armor, it really wouldnt be too much different then the way the miniguns are practically a "cone of death" on the BH.

    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

    Just to clarify, you mean the MEC transport helicopter - not the Vodnik.


    • #3
      Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

      That was fairly obvious.

      I don't know too many people who 'fly' a Vodnik


      • #4
        Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

        There is a flying jeep mod


        • #5
          Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

          jeeps cant fly


          • #6
            Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

            LOL, yes the transport helo.


            • #7
              Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

              not a bad idea but with limited ammo


              • #8
                Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                I was thinking they would overheat quickly instead.

                It doesn't make sence to bring the BH down to where it has apair of M2 .50s (the USMC equivilant), instead of bringing the MEC transport HERROCUPTAR up to where people will want to use it. Suppose this was done, the adjustment of capping in helos wouldn't be needed. Each side would have a viable chopper to do this with evening things out.


                • #9
                  Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                  I think the real soloution is simple here. Allow the vodniks to fly.


                  • #10
                    Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                    Make it like the MI-28 co pilot gun. So it can do massive splash damage, but at a really low rate of fire.


                    • #11
                      Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                      Originally posted by BlizzardX
                      I think the real soloution is simple here. Allow the vodniks to fly.
                      ROFL :laugh:


                      • #12
                        Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                        Allow players to push livestock out the back.


                        • #13
                          Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                          Originally posted by Eddy01741
                          Make it like the MI-28 co pilot gun. So it can do massive splash damage, but at a really low rate of fire.
                          Yeah, I love that gun. Nice and powerful yet a slow enough rate of fire so that you still have to aim.

                          The BH minigun seems as powerful as the Mi-28 cannon...only with an insanely high rate of fire. No aiming required...just click and spray. Completely silly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                            Ok, so what if we allowed people to push livestock out the back of flying jeeps? No no... That might anger the sea urchins..

                            Reason I didn't want to go with exactly what is on the MEC attack helo is that its a massive grenade launcher, compared to that MK19. I've seen a vid of it firing on the internet somewhere and its rate of fire is about the same as the attack choppers. Also, I thought having the grenades lob slightly (less then the M203 because of the long barrel) would add a little skill to using it. Countering a lobbing projecile along with leading a target from a moving chopper won't be easy to just strafe a base screwing up everything in sight...


                            • #15
                              Re: Good idea, bad idea -- MEC Transport related

                              I think the MEC spec ops class should have a Go-Go Gadget Helicopter come out of thier hats. That will balance by letting spec ops fly after the BH and plant C4 on it. And, we can add the rollerskates to the AT class, and stretchy arms to the engineer.

