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Newbie things you do (Part2)

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  • Newbie things you do (Part2)

    I decided to start another embarrassment thread to create a venue for those who do stupid things to share their stories...

    -As I am a medic 90% of the time, you can find me in some corner trying to heal myself. Many times some baddie rounds the corner and finds me in my dirty desolation...AHHHH bad guy shoot shoot!! <mouse1> <mouse1> matter how many medpacks i throw at the oncomer they never go down and i end up dead...this is total crap....the programmers at dice suck and EA sucks! .....THIS NEEDS TO BE PATCHED~:cry:

  • #2
    Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

    I have been confusing the E and F key while flying in planes recently, just after a bombing run I press E instead of F and end up exiting the plane rather low and fast speed, not enough time to engage parachute, then splat, annoying at the time but amuses me after.


    • #3
      Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

      Yes I have had the total brainfart when going from TV missle mode - back to gun - for some reason I either hit eject, or when trying to take the cockpit out of my view I eject. Had that happen 3-4 times in one night...that was after a marathon day of 14hrs + in one sitting...maybe my mind was mush - prolly still is. :P


      • #4
        Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

        After throwing 20 grenades at enemy tank, I gave up and quited.


        • #5
          Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

          It's funny when people throw nades and M203s at tanks


          • #6
            Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

            Originally posted by lkauffmanl
            I decided to start another embarrassment thread to create a venue for those who do stupid things to share their stories...

            -As I am a medic 90% of the time, you can find me in some corner trying to heal myself. Many times some baddie rounds the corner and finds me in my dirty desolation...AHHHH bad guy shoot shoot!! <mouse1> <mouse1> matter how many medpacks i throw at the oncomer they never go down and i end up dead...this is total crap....the programmers at dice suck and EA sucks! .....THIS NEEDS TO BE PATCHED~:cry:
            Hey...just throw the med pack on the ground, switch back to gun, run over pack, instant refill. duh....



            • #7
              Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

              Originally posted by Spunge
              It's funny when people throw nades and M203s at tanks
              I do that out of desperation

              Do they cause any damage at all? I would think they would a little...


              • #8
                Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                Originally posted by Sneakypjc
                I have been confusing the E and F key while flying in planes recently, just after a bombing run I press E instead of F and end up exiting the plane rather low and fast speed, not enough time to engage parachute, then splat, annoying at the time but amuses me after.

                ^^^^funny stuff, I do it too often myself


                • #9
                  Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                  Originally posted by Spunge
                  It's funny when people throw nades and M203s at tanks
                  I do it with my noob tube to get their attention away from our AT every time


                  • #10
                    Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                    Originally posted by Spunge
                    It's funny when people throw nades and M203s at tanks
                    Yeah it is but I can say I've gotten a few nice shots on a tank/apc that was smoking and it did them in but if its a fresh're screwed :laugh:

                    my noob moment..........let me see, prabably going after another chopper and start launching rockets, only to end up crashing into it :laugh:


                    • #11
                      Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                      Originally posted by Spunge
                      It's funny when people throw nades and M203s at tanks
                      I got a tank kill last night with hand grenades. The idiot did not move or even bother to look for me right in back of him. Took 5 nades - I was support and he was already smoking pretty good.

                      If he had not been smoking like crazy, or if we had other players around - I would not have tried. The fact that I threw one under him - and his turret barely scanned in front of him - just seemed obvious I had to take the tool out for not even bothering to look around! lol Hell I should have tried knifing him for the final blow - lmao.


                      • #12
                        Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                        What I do too often is jump out of a jeep before it stops fully, run myself over....damn I always seem to do this being in such a hurry....when will I learn


                        • #13
                          Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                          Hey I've been able to destroy the Satellite Scanner with hand grenades, Took about 50 , but I was playing support, and had to bail from a bomber on top of the enemy home base. Their commander didn't even notice me there lol. After I had destroyed it I stole their Jet and crashed it into a pile of flaghuggers


                          • #14
                            Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                            Originally posted by dwuf76
                            What I do too often is jump out of a jeep before it stops fully, run myself over....damn I always seem to do this being in such a hurry....when will I learn
                            Boats seem to get me more than jeeps, ram a boat on shore, jump out and it slides back over you! you wouldn't of thought that a RIB could do so much damage.


                            • #15
                              Re: Newbie things you do (Part2)

                              -When i first started playing bf2 i didnt know that you could prone underneath a speedin jeep or i was in mashtuur on in the middle of the road proning when i hummer comes at me full tilt....i figure 'maybe i can catch him with a nade b4 he hits me if i time it right' i toss one towards the oncoming hummer....soon the hummer whizzes over me....W00t!...then NADE! OH DAMN...BOOM!!!

                              ***here is a tip or theory rather of similar situation: as assault if you see a jeep etc and its headed for you (no gunner mind you)....just build the drivers confidence by running straight down the road and time a prone just as he is about to nail you...then stand up and pop a toob in his tailpipe!! i just thought this would be a cool move to pull off....havent tried it yet.

