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Fun times

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  • Fun times

    What funny and entertaining times have you had?
    I was playing on a high capacity server on Zatar wetlands. A friend of mine was over here and was watching me play, i was special forces as usual. At the beginning of the game all i could hear was "get ammo here" or "first aid here" coming from behind me. I don't know what the couple was doing but i ran up and yelled "C4 here!" as i tossed a pack between them. It was hilarious at the time as they both just stared at each other then at me as i pulled out the detonator and walked backwards. They must have continued what they were doing because a few minutes later I used my C4 and got two quick punishes lol.

  • #2
    Re: Fun times

    I've been taking pleasure in c4ing the Blackhawks on my own team when people start whoring too much.

    Also flying the MEC transport straight into a fully loaded BH is fun.


    • #3
      Re: Fun times

      loading the tip of a jet with C4 is also a blast

