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System Restore? I'm about to cry.

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  • System Restore? I'm about to cry.

    I don't have the other two BF2 install disks with me anymore, just the play disc, and BF2 got deleted. No biggie, I'll just do a system restore (My system saves 20gb per system restore). I completed the system restore, and all the files (so I thought) were restored. I started the game, got a misssing file error, and the looked into my Bf2 folder. All the folders were there, but they were all empty besides the main BF2 folder. All the nessecary game files were missing. Does anyone know how to fix this?

  • #2
    Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

    I guess you can cry now..


    send an email or call EA, as long as you are the owner of that game they will probably send you a copy if you prove you bought the game..


    • #3
      Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

      What kind of error?


      • #4
        Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

        Yeah...I hope you registered the game though...


        • #5
          Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

          What is up with all of these people losing their CDs and their keys?


          • #6
            Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

            Originally posted by Ace101
            What kind of error?

            "shaders/somethingsomething.fx <insert sarcastic error description from DICE cause nobody should get this error>"

            I did a restore but all of the files that are in the folders such as python and mods are all empty.

            Originally posted by Talas
            What is up with all of these people losing their CDs and their keys?
            I didnt lose my CD key, just discs two and three.


            • #7
              Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

              Go to EA suport pages. And look for CD key issues. IF you have a valid CD key. Then you shouldn't have a problem just explane them what happned and you should be all set.


              • #8
                Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                if u have a dvd rom, get that from now on, just 1 dvd/cd is better.


                • #9
                  Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                  Originally posted by Prodigy
                  I didnt lose my CD key, just discs two and three.
                  So how on earth did you lose them?


                  • #10
                    Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                    his dog ate it


                    • #11
                      Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                      Go to the store and buy another copy, and DON'T LOSE IT!


                      • #12
                        Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                        Download it!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                          Originally posted by iconfat
                          Download it!!!!
                          You should be shot.


                          • #14
                            Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                            actually hes right. Just download it. You still have the valid CD Key, and the Play CD so there should be no problem.


                            • #15
                              Re: System Restore? I'm about to cry.

                              Actually...he has not actually stated that he actually HAS a valid cd key

                              I am extremely suspicious of most of these 'duh..I lost my key and/or my original CDs...plz help!!1!!!' threads. Call me cynical.

