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HALO assault Guide

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  • HALO assault Guide

    This guide is fairly short and useful for Special Operations soldiers.

    -------Pick the spec ops class and hop into a jet or helicopter.

    -------Fly well over the enemy airfield and jump out.

    -------As you descend line up with the enemy runway facing their jet spawn.

    -------When you are just about over their jets start dropping c4 in the path.

    -------Watch for anyone who may get into the craft or be watching you.

    -------If someone is watching you must engage and kil them and hide.

    -------Keep an eye on those jets and wait for a pilot to get in roll forward.

    BOOM! dead pilot brains are everywhere.

    When I had the idea I was in mid air haloing over the airfield so I threw all my c4 down and someone got into the jet so I watched them as I floated down and detonated them to smitherines.

    When I landed a few seconds later I landed ten feet behind this guy who never saw me come down so I took him down fast and it was all gravy from there.

    If your looking for an exciting way to assault the enemies jets and assets try that method out.:evil:

  • #2
    Re: HALO assault Guide

    how bout stop being such a noob by taking a plane, chopper or something useful just to dump it
    others want to USE it for good purposes


    • #3
      Re: HALO assault Guide

      If it crashes and is destroyed, it'll respawn imminently.

      Not too big a long as somebody doesn't use it for this purpose repeatedly.

      Lord knows the TRANSPORT choppers aren't actually being used for this purpose...TRANSPORTING.

      They are only being used to cap flags.


      • #4
        Re: HALO assault Guide

        When you bail out choppers will keep on flying in circles and not respawning. Your tema is loosing airsupport, giving enemy chance to keep airsuperiority, airsupported ground attacks and your team loosing heavily. Besides your team is loosing one player, you, from teamwork in the case your ass is kicked by better player.

        The reason people dont get into transports are these idiots who fly them and then jump out without warning. You get killed in own chopper because nobody notices that this RAMBO just decided to win this war by himself.

        I beleive teamwork is important in BF2. If you can't do it, don't play


        • #5
          Re: HALO assault Guide

          While I agree that wasting an aircraft for such purposes is stupid, C4ing the enemy's runway is cool.
          I sometimes do this myself. I usually place 2-3 C4 packs along the center of the runway along the path that the pilot will roll over in order to take off.
          Great fun especially if you have a supply crate nearby and stay undetected.


          • #6
            Re: HALO assault Guide

            when I read the title I actually thought this was about HALO drops. (High altitude, low opening)

            using this technique shortens the time you're left dangling from the parachute dramatically, making it more likely you can catch the enemy unaware.

            But all this is about is to make sure the enemy Jet gets airborn faster with the intent it was built for, and if the enemy's smart and good he'll make bloody sure it stays that way.

            thumbs down for this idea.. except maybe it's usefull in a situation where your team doesn't have any one who wants to fly anyway, when the regular tactics have failed..


            • #7
              Re: HALO assault Guide

              i liek HAHO (high altitude high opening) jumps better cuz its easier to guide u can be dropping from for example in oman, the center flag and drift to the airbase


              • #8
                Re: HALO assault Guide

                I like parachuting on top of the hangars and dropping mines over the edge. Usually can get a couple pilots before they figure out what's what.


                • #9
                  Re: HALO assault Guide

                  Originally posted by ConscriptVirus
                  i liek HAHO (high altitude high opening) jumps better cuz its easier to guide u can be dropping from for example in oman, the center flag and drift to the airbase
                  LOL HAHO, funny word.... HAHO


                  • #10
                    Re: HALO assault Guide

                    Originally posted by BurnTheWeed
                    I like parachuting on top of the hangars and dropping mines over the edge. Usually can get a couple pilots before they figure out what's what.
                    I'm gonna use that one, nice tip


                    • #11
                      Re: HALO assault Guide

                      halo jumps sound pretty cool...most of my friends think its from halo the game..but meh


                      • #12
                        Re: HALO assault Guide

                        How about this.

                        1. Spawn in as Spec Ops.
                        2. Start a Squad & get Squad Members.
                        3. Squad Leader Pilots TRANSPORT HELO. ( NOW SPAWN CHOPPER )
                        4. Head for the top of the world ( usely around 600 ft. for a Helo ) OVER the CENTER of the map or OVER a POINT.
                        5. EVERYBODY "BUT" THE SQUADLEADER bails out of chopper.
                        6a. If HALO "DO NOT" open you'r chute untill all you can see is the bushes or grass.
                        6b. If HAHO pull chute ASAP & stear into point.
                        7. If you FAIL return to SPAWN CHOPPER & TRY AGAIN or TRY ANOTHER POINT.

                        Now I'm sure someone's wondering, why the SQUAD LEADER's SPEC OPS. As Spec Ops. place 2 C-4 charges inside the helo. If the Squad Leader bails with his squad he can trip the C-4 as soon as he hits the ground so it doesn't hover or fly around for awhile.


                        • #13
                          Re: HALO assault Guide

                          hmm much better the SL keeps it airborne then so you can chute just about anywhere on the map, skydiving, wheeeee!

                          *edit* if you parachute from thàt altitude don't pull the cord too fast.. it'll take you half the round to touch down lol


                          • #14
                            Re: HALO assault Guide

                            I agree stongly !! Especially if the battle is back and forth you could change this battle to A win with your squad wise enough to spawn in the chopper and bailing out at same time to same flag. Enemy would never get time to find out where these guys are coming from !! Thnx for hangar c4/mine THATS COOL !


                            • #15
                              Re: HALO assault Guide

                              how bout not wasting the c4 and simply flip the helo and bail it crashes faster

