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The infantry balance

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  • The infantry balance

    Howdy, my name is |LAB|Monkeymagic, some of you may know me or know of me, some may be arrogant to who i am. Eitherway, im currently the leader of a clan in australia called lab, and we were pretty heavily involved in the leaderboards during the early days when we could be bothered to put the time and effort in. Anyway I currently wear the title thanks to stats of the top rated assault in the world, both with the kit and with the rifle. Which is an achievement im proud of.

    Anyway I see alot of posts by alot of people having a bitch in regards to the infantry combat. And what they thinks wrong with it. Anyway I think its about time someone who dosnt believe the sniper is the best kit in the entire world to comment on the issue.

    Id like to start off by saying there are alot of seperate issues that come together to make up the balance so this thread may be long. Anyways ill jump to it and do a kit by kit break down.

    Sniper - Got random accuracy? If youve ever had the pleasure of using the svd then you will understand what im talking about, the best sniper rifle in the game is the m24, because its the most accurate. Unfortunately, realistically, snipers arnt even a remote threat, by the time youve been hit once, you know he is there and the large amount of medics whoring points floating around will revive you the second you die. The sniper as a kit, well its fun, but its not any good...The only way you could fix this is to start making a variation in the armour, i.e players with armour can survive a sniper shot to the chest, a player without armour...cant. Unfortunately if that were to become true, the other weapons power would need to be bumped to compensate. I think the best balance with the sniper rifles, would be to make it so that when your killed with one, you cant be revived. Which i think would be fair.

    Medic - Ive gotta be honest, a smart medic, can take down a smart assault at a range, because he has an endless supply of health to call on. There are too many points in a revive. You get 2 points...the same a kill, and it takes roughly no talent to do. I cant tell you the amount of times ive been outscored by n00bs on the other team with scores like 75 73 1 18. Yeah and sure you may say, omg he is helping his team, he is a better team player than you blah blah blah, but the fact remains if he really was a team player he would be reviving for 1 point just the same, and he wouldnt end up with a crazy score for doing something that takes (read it) no skill. Medics are big in clan games because you dont lose tickets with revives.

    Engineer - Could there be a more useless kit? Yeah the spanner is cool, but honestly those mines are pretty much useless, the shotguns are weird in my opinion in the fact that they always fire straight ahead while ur running, so no matter what you do, the shotgun always fire where you point it. Obviously the pellets are random, but they always go within a certain area. Which makes me think you could pretty much abuse it, luckily he is armourless, making him not that powerful, but still i cant help but think back to the dc days, when tards ran around with saiga's completely unaffected by movement, and every other kit was effected by movement. Lets hope the engineer gets better anti tank capabilites.

    Spec ops - Why does he have the most accurate gun in the game? His gun can beat snipers quiet comfortably, especially the g36c and the m4. The addition of c4, and hand grenades make this kit pretty damn good, Its weakness is close range, with the g36c anyway, because it lacks power, however with the m4, he is alot stronger, he shouldnt beat an assault, but he can come mighty close. This kit in my opinion is probably the best all round, anti tank, anti infantry, and dominant at long range, make this a kit hard to get close to, if used correctly.

    Anti tank - with the mp5, the kit is so so, you get the unlock, this kit should win all up close encounters, high rate of fire weapon + armour + ammo capacity + anti tank = the win. This kit is quietely overpowered. The dao is a machine, once again, the problem with shotguns, is the fact you dont have to stop to shoot them. When you think about it, these guns fire where you want them too right? They suffer at range obviously due to the pellets, but the shotgun is actually the best bullit based weapon up close, when you give him the armour of the assault, it start to make you think, "this kits better than the assault at running and gunning and up close due to this".

    Support - Got n00b? dolphin dive and hold the trigger down, if your lucky you will hit, and id like to say its more than luck involved, but its not, this gun is unaccurate spam, and its sad, unfortunately, because of the **** weak assault rifle, they couldnt make the support kit as accurate as it should be prone, so its just spam. Then you get the ammo whores omg im so sick of them, most people dont understand that when you throw an ammo pack down, the enemy see it, and they know where you are when some retard tries to resupply you everytime u fire a bullit, because there getting a whole point for it.

    Assault - Now ive done fairly brief write ups about the other kits, but this kit is a kit i know inside out and it has alot of issues surrounding it. So im gonna go in depth about the main issues surrounding it.

    The nade launcher

    Lots of people complain about it, me included, its so easy to use its not funny, the other weapons take so long to kill people(usually 3 + bursts from an assault) that its hard to go past the nade launcher, it is the official n00b tube once again, and despite the complaints by most players its still needs to be there.

    Now here me out, without the nade launcher, the assault has the assault gun, which in my opinion is a piece of ****, its crap up close(shotguns own it) it cant compete at a range (spec ops own it) and at medium distance its ok...but nothing special. The assault kit rifle needs to remove all "luck" and "randomness" from up close combat, the assault in my opinion, should be good enough to atleast compete with shotguns up close. Because the kit is titled "assault" he needs to be the attacking kit. The only reason the kit is used now is the nade launcher, if you took it away, the kit wouldnt be used at all. No doubt in my mind. The kit needs to be better moving than the other kits, now im not saying go all bfv on my ass, and make the guns 100% accurate, im just saying make him better at moving and shooting at like 10m max.

    If the nade launcher is nerfed and the rifle remains a piece of ****. The assault kit is in trouble.

    The random factor

    Thats right, the accuracy is random, you could do the same thing 10 times and get 10 different results, this dosnt help the game become better, it just keeps the poor players happy. After a week of playing the game, I was just as good as i am now, thanks to the marvel that is "complete and utter lack of depth" the kits have no depth, you cannoy become so good with a kit, that you just own people. Because alot of its luck. Take the headshots for example, i get headshotted most kills, one or two bullits hit me, and i die. Please ignore the fact i just shot three bursts into his chest at 10m, the two shots he spammed while, he was running vs my prone/crouched,Good isnt it? Did those people aim for my head? probably not, but they hit it. The less random the accuracy is the faster the good players rise to the top, as previously mentioned, you can shoot a guy first, and most often, and lose just due to luck.

    That brings me to another thing, whats with the dolphin diving and insta prone crap, the guy is 10 metres away, so you dive to get more accuracy? wtf?

    Iron sights

    If i scope in, in single shot mode, with an iron sight, that dosnt do much more than obstruct my vision, i want to hit every bullit i fire, at the moment, you just spam single shot, because the accuracy is random, if you could calm your shot, then fire for a granateed hit, you would make the kit harder to use and less spammy.

    All in all, the answer for game balance from dice, was to make all the weapons ****, bar one or two (nade launcher) and claim its balanced. Most of the long range assault battles are based on luck, luck of it your shots hit...because no matter what you do, it is luck if they hit. The close range battles are a joke, you standing ontop of someone, 5m away for example and somehow 2 out of 3 bullits from an m16 miss? It dosnt make sence.

    All in all, the infantry could be improved by a simple upping of the accuracy of the weapons, im not even talking power, just accuracy. We dont want another 1942 where the nade spamming run and gun medic pwns, and the assault sucks. Given the assault some run and gun abilities for once, he is meant to attack, give that to him and you will have a much more fun game.

    Anyways post some thoughts guys, as it is, the current crop of infantry is n00b friendly.

  • #2
    Re: The infantry balance

    were not worthy!!!! But good stuff though and i totally agree about the randomness of assault fire. What is that about. And not just assault, I cut a guy in half the other day with the SAW and he still kiled me - ????? EA add consistency and depth to the kits as our resident god of BF2 says!!!! Worship him!!!


    • #3
      Re: The infantry balance

      Some very valid points, however with regard to the complaint about the Dolphin Diving and Insta-proning...I've seen you do it more times than I can count, so don't complain about others doing it.


      • #4
        Re: The infantry balance

        Many valid points but I stick by what I say, if You dont like a kit you cant use it properly. As for assault, if you want a better gun get the unlock and yes support is completely inaccurate. I like the engineer, ever throw a mine on top of a tank or APC, no i didnt think so. They work just as well as C4 except u cant control when it goes off. You're right bout the nade launcher, take that away and kit popularity take a nose dive and u would think the "assault" rifle would be more accurate and powerfull but oh well.


        • #5
          Re: The infantry balance

          My favourite kits are the ones that actually give support to the team. engineer, medic or support. frankly, I couldn't care less about my helping my team getting me points.. I allways was support in DC as well and you didn't get points for it there.

          In my experience, good (very important distinction) assaults will win against engineers at medium-long range. very important to remember for engineer is that terrain is your friend.. keep cover and advance untill you can make'em suck on the shotty!

          Why would an M16 have to be better up close then a shotgun? maybe cause it's one of those weapons that can kill you in one shot before you get a chance to use the noob tube when it becomes up close and personal?

          The LMG can be used effectively when using small bursts of fire.. going into full-auto and not hitting someone 100 meters away, sheesh, I wonder how that's possible!

          the medic's standard weapon is nice. once you get used to it's 3 shot bursts. the unlock is just as accurate as any sniper up to medium range on single shot mode.

          I wonder what gave you the impression that giving somebody ammo gives 2 points.. that's just not true.. 1 point is what you get for support actions, again, a nice bonus but nothing I actively pursue.

          Being clan leader ain't impressing me.. anyone can be one, and obviously it's not allways the good leaders who do decide to try their hands at it.. I can only hope there's people with more sense then you.. a whole Clan of noobtubers is more then I can stomach.

          And when somebody then gives you ammo to replenish your grenades, I bet you give them back to him, saying you don't want him to get a point or kick/ban him? :laugh:

          Don't downtalk the people keeping you alive and firing.. you'd know how hard it really is when you tried it.. but I guess you're too busy tubing (as if that requires a masters degree)


          • #6
            Re: The infantry balance

            Im pretty confident i can use the kit properly, and despite the methods i employ, i.e the dolphin diving as mentioned before i still can comment on them.

            Many valid points but I stick by what I say, if You dont like a kit you cant use it properly.
            But i can use the kit properly...i wouldnt be ranked number 1 with it if i couldnt...i dont wanna sound like im talking down to you, but if the number one assaulter in the world cant use the kit properly who can? do you think you can? if so please school me into how to use it...

            Also you cant throw mines at tanks, and have the explode, there is a 5 second setting time, in which a decent tanker will just drive over ur mine as he kills u.


            • #7
              Re: The infantry balance

              Originally posted by ICPO
              Many valid points but I stick by what I say, if You dont like a kit you cant use it properly.
              I must say you had me laughing for a few seconds with that one :laugh:


              • #8
                Re: The infantry balance

                booth you think you are a god or something?


                • #9
                  Re: The infantry balance

                  Has anyone noticed the two guys that just told me i couldnt use the kit, then gave me tips on how to use the kit, and implying i just cant use it right, both have negative kill to death ratios.

                  Why is it you feel the need to try and tell me i cant use the kit, then say you can...i dont mean to be rude...or maybe i do, but you guys have no idea at all...ICPO your kdr is then say i dont know how to use the kit...oh enlighten me. Then tell me such gems as...

                  Why would an M16 have to be better up close then a shotgun? maybe cause it's one of those weapons that can kill you in one shot before you get a chance to use the noob tube when it becomes up close and personal?
                  The shotgun pelets, cant penetrate standard US body armour in real life, the best it could possibly do is knock the guy on his ass and break some ribs. An m16 would probably kill him considering it leaves the barrell traveling at a much higher velocity. But realistically, the assault kit is too inaccurate up close. It should be just as accurate as the shotgun, the shotguns advantage is its power. You shouldnt be missing shots with most guns under 10m, even if ur moving.


                  • #10
                    Re: The infantry balance

                    Originally posted by Booth
                    You shouldnt be missing shots with most guns under 10m, even if ur moving.

                    Isn't that the truth.


                    • #11
                      Re: The infantry balance

                      Personally, I'm kinda irked that the carbines, which are by definition short-barreled rifles, are more accurate at range than the assault rifles. Longer barrel == accurate at longer ranges. Yet at long range that squatty little G36C will outsnipe any of the assault guns. That's kind of irritating, IMO. I think, since the assaults primary role...hell, ONLY to take out other infantry, then he should be superior to all other classes in that regard. Sure, he should still lose to snipers at long range and a shotgun at close range, but a carbine? Carbines were meant to be light and easy to carry, not accurate halfway across the damn map. Assault is my most played kit as well, although I use it for the G3 (<3 G3) rather than the n00b t00b, but even still I don't think a true rifleman's rifle like the G3A3 should be out-distanced by a carbine. Just shouldn't happen.

                      And yeah, I read through your thread at and you make some pretty good points. A bit too much randomness in the bullets. I've come up behind someone, and been almost in KNIFE range, and missed with rounds from an AR. One time it took almost half a clip emptied into someone's back to drop him with the AK101. Although I attribute that to the crappy hit detection more than the rifles, because I've had the same thing happen with my G36C as well. Anymore I don't even bother shooting from the hip unless the guy sees me and we are face-to-face. I crouch (or even prone sometimes), stare down the iron sights, and fire away, even if the guy's only 5m away from me. I'd rather make the guaranteed hit and kill rather than have 50% of my bullets miss and have him bunny hop, spin around, and kill me off before he hits the ground.



                      • #12
                        Re: The infantry balance

                        Too much to read
                        Next thread


                        • #13
                          Re: The infantry balance

                          Originally posted by a1pointguard
                          booth you think you are a god or something?
                          Well he does have a very high SPM and he doesn't whore tanks so yeah I'd say he's good, very good.


                          • #14
                            Re: The infantry balance

                            booth you think you are a god or something?
                            Nah man, i just think i have a better grip on the game than people who get negative kill to death ratios then tell me i suck. Im happy to have comments on the balance of the game for sure, i encourage it. But it seems to me everyone here attacks anyone who says anything about balance with "oh you just suck". Im pretty sure i know what im talking about, ive clocked up like 200 hours with the assault kit or there abouts. Meanwhile i get the pleasure of the n00bs with negative kdrs telling me how to play the game. And as for support players keeping me alive...maybe, but im keeping support players alive by killing 3 or 4 people every life, and i dont get special assault points for saving the support players. I also never said they got 2 points for ammo giving, i said they get a point every time they handed out ammo, and fair enough, give them points for handing out ammo...but only to a person who needs it, if u resupply a guy with 5 clips left u get one point...if u resupply a guy who needs it...u get one point. I dont need resupply after one clip...and u dont deserve a point for it...once again...its a n00bs way of getting points...


                            • #15
                              Re: The infantry balance

                              Originally posted by Booth
                              Thats right, the accuracy is random
                              Actually, it's not totally random (like your post implies). It's random within a given area, and that area expands and contracts depending on your behaviors.

                              When prone, sitting still, and zoomed in, the area is very small - so small that even if the bullet varies it will still hit what you're aiming at. As you move, stand, turn, run, jump, shoot more than one round, etc. the area expands, creating a larger area for the bullets to randomly deviate in and increasing the likelihood that you'll miss.

                              It's quite possible to be skilled at aiming, leading, and regulating the inputs that reduce accuracy (i.e. increase the deviation area). This ability is what makes a better marksman.

