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So confused and need some help.

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  • So confused and need some help.

    So I notice when i divert from urban maps im lost on which class to play.
    I try engineer and usually get alot of great kills form my AT mines, but, 5 min later I get kicked/banned for team kills....I mean I lay my mines in 'lanes" meaning I dont create strips along gates, I make lanes for team memebers to drive around so to say, but 10 min later I get TK kicked...everytime it seems.

    I try AT, well I get1-2 shots in on tanks but usually if Im even to get that second rocket shot my position is detected and I soon learn that a tank..or any other armor's guns can hit me no matter how well i think ive ran around a corner or penetrate anything i choose to hide behind. And if infantry decides to pop out on me..since they saw the smoke trial i left behind..they laugh at my gun and mow me down.

    Medic/Support, love them...but on these large maps 90% of the people are in tanks/helis/planes zooming by or clear across the map. So I just walk around spamming bags dodging tanks/planes/heli's prayign for a sighting of infantry...but usually some jet just drops a bomb on me or some other vehicle laying me out....this kinda goes for Spec Ops and Assualt, except Im not spamming bags Im eithier hiding and prayign for some infantry engagement or if Im Spec Ops Im happy I have C4, so Im nto only hoping for an infantry engaement..or a sign of them, but wondering how sneaky i can be when vehicle shells can turn corners..basically if Im within 10 feet of tank/plane/heli bullets Im dead..riccochet? (SP?)

    Sniper, I got to many claymore bans, plus instead of wating to engage infantry Im waiting to engae infantry in the same spot, except this time i get to watch the armor,/heli/planes from a safe distance..till the commander just points me out.

    So what do you do, in those times when your not waiting for a ride to spawn or wating to be a passenger in a ride. Now I just spam bags and find a safe place to hide...and..wait, kinda boring tho so Im wondering what to do.

    Also tank smoke..whats the use if I still get a glowing red name if i aim in the smoke? Abnd wouldnt a cloud of smoke mean your in the middle, or at least behind it?

    Last pain in the ass question, some times i try to log onto a server and it wil say "you have been kicked for excessive TKing or by vote"...thing is I havent even got on yet, this mean at some point I was banned and thats what it says now?

    Im sure Ill have my stupid questions, but I save them for next time.

  • #2
    Re: So confused and need some help.

    Be and engineer or support and get your own tank or apc. Then while killing people you are repairing or restocking other vehicles.


    • #3
      Re: So confused and need some help.

      Most non-urban maps turn into tank wars in a hurry.

      Anti-tank is an obvious choice, so is SpecOps.
      Medic is ok if you're in a place where you know you'll be around a lot of combat, same for sniper and support. Engineer, eh...nerfed kit.

      Originally posted by thirdeyepry
      I'm sure I'll have my stupid questions but I save them for next time.
      There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


      • #4
        Re: So confused and need some help.

        The mines seem to explode even when a vehicle gets within a certain proximity. Which means the model does not accurately represent the kill area. Otherwise, you just have dumb teammates (the later is probably true).

        For larger maps Assult and Spec Ops are great. I usually use Spec Ops and jump into a DPV, and go C4 the **** out of the oppositions base. Not only will it help your team, but it will make one of their guys come back and have to repair it. And while you're C4ing, look around for their commander, most of them just lay some where around the base with their commander maps up. Knife his ass, that will get his attention. And since he most likely isn't an engineer, he won't be able to repair his own **** anyways. And its always fun to C4 vehicles around the base as well. Then just sit and wait. BOOM the Mf'er won't know what hit him. Either that or steal a tank, and go ass rape their forces from behind.


        • #5
          Re: So confused and need some help.

          My advice is first play the kit you enjoy most. The point of the game is to enjoy.

          Second, try to match kit with the map. Close combat has to be supoort, medic, AT or Assault.

          Third, choose kit according to what awards you're going after. I'm using support alot at the mo, rack up those points with ammo and the SAW is great!! Engineer if you're going to use armor alot. Find a safe place after combat the crank up your health. Also, use yours eyes more as support to watch out for enemy while you support - fools rush in etc. If playing support ops: support, medic or engineer - try to think like them, stay low or out of sight and play near a group to get loads of pionts. Health packs or ammo in the middle of nowhere is useless and they dont last that long either. Good news for special ops - the new patch (1.03) will give you points for destroying enemy commander assets - at last.

          As for being kicked from servers - dnt worry about it. I think some like to be elite fo their members only. They wont let you play with their toys!!!!

          Hope this helps. Above all enjoy and kick ass!!!

