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Support weapon statistics...

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  • Support weapon statistics...

    Hey all, i enjoy playing support sometimes...

    when i get my 2nd unlock, will the Support unlock be better then the normal support weapon ? or is it just different ?

    I was wonderinf if you guys know what the difference in Damage is ?
    Range ?
    Accuracy ?

    i cant seem to find any information about it...


  • #2
    Re: Support weapon statistics...

    Its definately more powerful, it rips through foot troops like nothing else.
    accuracy and range are about the same as the stock support weapons, just fire in bursts of 3-5 shots and you will do fine.


    • #3
      Re: Support weapon statistics...

      Originally posted by Fu11force
      Its definately more powerful, it rips through foot troops like nothing else.
      accuracy and range are about the same as the stock support weapons, just fire in bursts of 3-5 shots and you will do fine.
      I found the accurecy was alot higher i was takeing people out from 150 yards or so and with the stock ones was hard to kill people more than 50yards or so


      • #4
        Re: Support weapon statistics...

        Originally posted by menace-uk-
        I found the accurecy was alot higher i was takeing people out from 150 yards or so and with the stock ones was hard to kill people more than 50yards or so
        Jeez how the heck do you do that!?


        • #5
          Re: Support weapon statistics...

          PKM Is teh awesome!

          if i ever rank up from Corp im gonna get the PKM


          • #6
            Re: Support weapon statistics...

            Originally posted by soraflair
            Jeez how the heck do you do that!?
            3to 5 shot burst and either aim higher than your taget or aim at there feet depends which map your on


            • #7
              Re: Support weapon statistics...

              Originally posted by alkajazz
              PKM Is teh awesome!

              if i ever rank up from Corp im gonna get the PKM
              same as me...wasted my Pfc unlock on G3... got the L85a1 with my corp...

              PKM here I come!


              • #8
                Re: Support weapon statistics...

                yes the PKM is the best gun in game. only gun that is and actual "upgrade" unlock. the PKM has a slower rate of fire than the rest, but way more damage and accuracy, so i dont care. yes you can snipe with this beast, or at least i can


                • #9
                  Re: Support weapon statistics...

                  I just got the pkm and love it, its one of the best unlocks, great accuracy and great range, must be prone to get the accuracy and not good in CQB realy


                  • #10
                    Re: Support weapon statistics...

                    PKM is probably my favourate weapon. My first unlock was the L85A1 because of the amount of points gained as medic class. The PKM was my second unlock and i fell in love with it, just take a bit of time to get used to it. Also there isn't that many Support about compared to other classes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Support weapon statistics...

                      I have owned the PKM for a couple weeks.

                      After using it on every map and in pretty much every situation, I've come to the conclusion that it's really only good for spooking choppers or taking out L.A vehicles. I have waaaaaaaaaay better luck with ANY of the normal support guns.


                      • #12
                        Re: Support weapon statistics...

                        the PKM rules thats what im unlocking next


                        • #13
                          Re: Support weapon statistics...

                          Anything have to be better than the current support weapon. Even when I lay down, fire in short bursts it still seems wayyy undepowered and innaccurate. Oh well. I'll have to try PKM first and see...


                          • #14
                            Re: Support weapon statistics...

                            When can you ge the PKM? Corporal. Im on 7,500 so itl be next week when I get unock. I love the SAW for support 0- whats the unlock for it??

