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Simple question...

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  • Simple question...

    I know this is gonna sound a well stupid question but i havent had the game long and don't wanna spend ages looking for an answer but..

    Is there no way of playing multiplayer with CPU players? Am i just missing an option's just i have 3 computers on LAN in my house and love playing other games like couterstrike etc with mates round....but obviously battlefield 2 is pointless with 3 players...So can't i play like...single player with more than one human controlled player?

    If not why not?

  • #2
    Re: Simple question...

    This isn't css. You either play against\with the cpu on single player or multiplayer online with other people.

    If not why not?
    Cause this is a multiplayer game. There is no co-op to this game.


    • #3
      Re: Simple question...

      Originally posted by ThyNecromancer
      This isn't css. You either play against\with the cpu on single player or multiplayer online with other people.

      Cause this is a multiplayer game. There is no co-op to this game.
      Yeah, no co-op or any other kind of game mode. :cry:


      • #4
        Re: Simple question...

        also bf2 has really big maps for a lot of ppl and i dont think ur computer would like having to work out some 63 other players just so u can play alone and if it does..itll be really laggy


        • #5
          Re: Simple question...

          Co-op mod:

          I haven't tried it, but it seems to be working.


          • #6
            Re: Simple question...

            You don't need any mod. All you have to do is create a single player game, and then have all your friends connect to it by your IP. Even people outside your LAN can connect, just make sure they have your main IP and not your network IP. And you'd also just have to open up ports on your router so you can host.


            • #7
              Re: Simple question...

              Originally posted by Auman
              You don't need any mod. All you have to do is create a single player game, and then have all your friends connect to it by your IP. Even people outside your LAN can connect, just make sure they have your main IP and not your network IP. And you'd also just have to open up ports on your router so you can host.
              Are you sure? I thought maybe like...i could start a single player game on one computer..then try to "find local games" on another computer on my LAN and it would have to option to join, but it doesn....but ur saying it might work if i enter the ip manually? I'll go try now actually...

              Oh and....if i do get it to work i don't think the lag will be too much of a problem...i'll only want to play on a 16 player map anyway...maybe try out 32...I can't imagine lag being a huge problems all the computers involved are beefed up hard all over 3.2Ghz with over 2Gb RAM and 256 ati cards...the only problem i can imagine is my wireless network...which although in other games gives very low latencies..has a tendency to be'll be running lag free outstandingly for a few minutes...then pause for a few seconds..i guess thats just something u have to accept with wireless networks. CSS runs fine with 3 computers all playing human AND 16 bots so...i'll give it a go

              Cheers for feedback


              • #8
                Re: Simple question...

                Originally posted by tudshh
                Are you sure?
                Positive, and no problem


                • #9
                  Re: Simple question...

                  He is correct...this does work.

                  It seems to be an undocumented feature.


                  • #10
                    Re: Simple question...

                    It does work. Problem is that you will only be able to play with bots and mates is on the SP 16 player maps.

                    You have to start a SP game on 1 machine, and then have the other players connect they go to "Play multiplayer" and then connect by IP.

                    With the COOP mod, I hear that you can play on the larger maps. I haven't tried this myself.


                    • #11
                      Re: Simple question...

                      no cant. single player or online multi thats it!


                      • #12
                        Re: Simple question...

                        Originally posted by timsgameonline
                        no cant. single player or online multi thats it!
                        why do people make such strong answers when they are wrong??!?!?!?!??!?

                        of course you can play multiplayer with humans and bots - that is ALL I did for the 1st 2 weeks I had the game

                        and for thioe who say - "only 16 players"
                        well there are mods (easy edits) you can do right at home

                        and there is even a website dedicated just for this

                        I know the moderators do a great job here, but
                        any chance they can erase answers to questions that are simply WRONG???


                        • #13
                          Re: Simple question...

                          Originally posted by timsgameonline
                          no cant. single player or online multi thats it!
                          Go ahead and try it and prove me wrong then

                          Load up a single player 16 bot match and have somebody join your IP address either on your LAN (internal IP) or over the internet (external IP).

                          Of course, you may have to forward some ports...but it freaking well works

                          Straight outta the box.

