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The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

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  • The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

    The red "2" cursor is awsome!!!!!!!! because it spins right.......and its about to think its gonna turn around into an "S" but no........its a 2 again!!!!!!!!!! is it really spinning??? hmmm........hehe yea its some humor for the bf2ers....

    also....the MEC team should sound more like some pakistans......

    and i have a real solution for Teamkilling........turn teamkilling OFF!!!!!!!!

    FF off=problem solved


  • #2
    Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

    I would love it if I could bind a key that makes my charactor scream "ayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya!!!!"... I would press it as I ran my bomb..urrr.. jeep into your apc!


    • #3
      Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

      Friendly fire is dictated by EA to be turned on for their Ranked servers. Some people enjoy the realism provided by friendly fire and would prefer it to be left on.


      • #4
        Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

        hey felix only the women do that


        • #5
          Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

          see, i was hoping for the topic starter to talk about how he would like the BF2 Cursor in game to be modded so you can use it on Windows Xp, replacing the bog standard mouse of boringness.

          but no. I agree, the spinning 2 keeps me occupied for hours as i try to fathom its never ending spinning magicness..ness.


          • #6
            Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

            Originally posted by TheWatcher
            The red "2" cursor is awsome!!!!!!!! because it spins right.......and its about to think its gonna turn around into an "S" but no........its a 2 again!!!!!!!!!! is it really spinning??? hmmm........hehe yea its some humor for the bf2ers....
            I noticed that the first time I loaded the demo. I was like, WTF mate?

            That would be funny if the MEC soldiers all sounds like Apu from The Simpsons. "Would you like a health pack with that? Thank you, come again!"


            • #7
              Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

              Originally posted by TheWatcher
              also....the MEC team should sound more like some pakistans......
              Yeah, since everyone in the middle-east sounds Pakistani.

              Good Game.


              • #8
                Re: The Battlefield "2" cursor...and some thoughts

                This thread can only end in tears.

