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Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

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  • Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

    When playing BF2 I always have PB on and always choose PB-active, ranked servers. Though I have a couple of favourites if they're full I usually choose the lowest pinged server.

    However, recently when playing on EA Official servers (as opposed to Multiplay ones or other trusted partners) after less than 5 mins I get kicked to the main view with a Punkbuster error. Sadly I can't report it - the error message is cut off before it gives any real info as the message box is too small!

    Emailed EA - no response.

    I can play on other PB-active servers without any problems at all and I'm running 1.02. The install is completely fresh with one exception - in order to map the left shift key I needed to remove it from the Helicopter and Boat profiles by hand because of the "hidden" control bug.

    Any thoughts?

    I'm not THAT worried about playing on EA servers but the fact that somewhere seems to think my PB is a bit dodgy is slightly alarming.

  • #2
    Re: Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

    Don't worry about it. You definately don't want to play on those servers.


    • #3
      Re: Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

      You may have to download and manually install the new punkbuster files periodically.


      • #4
        Re: Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

        You would think that if the EA servers require a PB update, they would tell you on its server notes.


        • #5
          Re: Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

          Its just the way it goes..
          AAO is the same way for me.. on non offical servers, I can play all day with no pb problems but I have to manually update them for the offical ranked servers.


          • #6
            Re: Punkbuster problems on EA servers only

            I was having the same troubles with PB enabled servers, I would join, and about 5 seconds into it... my hard drive would spin down, everything lock up, and would reboot. I searched the forums and got little to no answers, until I searched for the right words.

            My problem ended up being a conflict between my IOMEGA CD drive, and punkbuster. Specifically, between a file located in my system32 directory and punkbuster.

            Just a quick look, check to see if you have anything Iomega on your pc... If you do, that is what did it for me, and a lot of others playing the game, if not, search the forums, I think punkbuster and crash is what did it for me.

            That thread is what I finally found that helped me.

            Good luck


