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Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

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  • #16
    Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

    Good stuff



    • #17
      Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!



      • #18
        Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

        There are normal chopper/tank users and there are chopper/tank whores. Whore is a compliment, it means you really know how to use your equipment to the maximum extent the game allows (realistic or not)!

        Whores are part of the game, just as blowing away the whores is also part of the game.

        Bajawoojie, no one on this thread has complained about the whores yet...
        This is a thread about a critically important part of Battlefield 2 - not getting completely owned by a couple of people with tanks/choppers/grenades!


        • #19
          Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

          For bunnyhoppers, I just take my time, and when he reloads, thats when I shoot back and I also use LucaBrasi tactics on aiming where they will land


          • #20
            Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

            the best way to deal with bunnyhoppers is to keep them at arms 50-100m you can take them out quites easily. (ok, those are some pretty long arms, but still...)

            either that or get killed by them a few times and then spam in in game chat whining about them. That useally makes people feel better about them.

            (above works on m203/gp-90 "whores" as well)


            • #21
              Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

              My anti bullwhatever tactic? Claymores....and lots of em. Until that one idiot team mate of mine watches it for a while then decides to test the claymore.


              • #22
                Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

                nice topic The BH strategy works perfect.


                • #23
                  Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

                  Well I like the advice though I’ve been using it already its good to spread information. I tend to disagree with the noob tube users. I my self prefer to dodge there first shot by strafing or ducking at the right time and then charging them with my knife. It takes some time to get used to be when you get good at it it’s very enjoyable. Lastly whoreing is not a way to play the game. It’s a way for noobs to think there good. I have proof of this for I have found ways around the whores tactics and with just being a medic or spec ops I can get many more point while NOT USING HAND ANY FORM OF NADES OR C4. To top it off I’m usually in the front lines healing and shooting. If you think your good because you can exploit and use whoreish tactics THNK A AGAIN.


                  • #24
                    Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

                    - Fire AT missles and/or shells at the tail of the chopper thereby increasing the chances of a hit.
                    I always find it better to aim at the middle/front - that way if the chopper moves, you can track it... if you aim at the tail, then the chopper only has to move forwards to cause you problems.

                    - Aim for belly if possible (while BH is moving)
                    Is there any logical reason for that?

                    Go to the sides of the tank to plant the c4, in this way you may plant them on a moving tank and adds to the stealth.
                    You also can't get run over from the sides... for APCs approaching from diagonally behind seems most effective - those guns are rarely occupied.

                    Bunny hoppers:
                    -Do not prone, it makes it very easy for them.
                    Unless you're playing support (which needs to go prone at 0 feet) - in which case you're kindof screwed .

                    -Keep the bullets coming out, dont let go of the trigger.
                    Alternatively, use bunny hopping against them. A player that constantly jumps, lands at a predictable rate - if you time your bursts to match their landing, then bunny hopping becomes less useful (if you're playing support, you're better off spamming the area with bullets and hoping for the best).

                    M203, GP-30, and GP-25 WHORES:
                    I don't know about everyone else but my basic tactics are "turn corner, die". When someone fires this at point-blank range with no warning, there's nothing I can do about it .


                    • #25
                      Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

                      IMHO, what dice has done to balance out things work best..

                      TANKS: AT mines always kill tanks, stopping a tankwhore in their tracks. C4 does the same, but you have to get close.

                      BLACKHAWKS: Dont worry about them taking a base, they will be gone soon so you can get more points getting your base back Another great tactic is if you are alone and without a rocket, shoot for the helpless engineers and get some points. 203 shells take out 3-4 baddies if you hit the inside .. Remeber that desperate times call for desperate mesures.. get you butt into another air vehicle and scream JIHAD as you crash into them, killing you and getting you what.. 8 kills?

                      Loaded jeeps: Umm.. not much you can do there.. run? Pretty much holds true in real life too.. I have actually mastered the technique of roadside bombs.. as bad as that is.


                      • #26
                        Re: Best Anti-Bull**** tactics!!!

                        For the topic starter: I'm glad to see there are others out there that adapt to and overcome the Seahawks instead of just complain.

