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Most Embarassing Thing...

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  • Most Embarassing Thing...

    Rofl, ok I just got back from a server, it was mashtuur city, and I was looking forward for some BH hunting with the Vodnik. Taking down 1-2 blackhawks, and greedy for more kills, I am driving my vodnik into a good shooting spot, and then someone pops into the gunner seet, I'm like wtf, get out, and in the comma rose I put 'Bail Out!'. Then he gets out, then I go into the gunner seat, then he thinks I wanted him to get out simply because I wanted the gunner seat, so he gets back in and drives off, then im like 'Bail out, Bail out' etc.

    This driver is taking me somewhere I don't want to go, and I'm typing "Omg spotlight noob right here..." or something like that. Then we arrive at a base and we both get out, and I realise the 'noob' is the 22nd best player, enxius. I'm not sure if he read what I said, but I felt extremely stupid and noobish.

    He TK'ed me after capping the base, not sure if it was on purpose or not, then I forgave, for it was the least I could do to make up for my ignorance .

  • #2
    Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

    Depends on where he was going really, there is very little transport and there are even less people who tend to go AT and defend on Mashtuur. I was on a 64 server last night playing mashtuur on MEC side ... and I was the only one defending and the only one with AT, I ended up getting 3 FULL blackhawk kills with flag defend bonus (hi 60 points :P) straight to the top of the server and my squad (named flag defence) then was maxed out and our squad made over 400 points between us we won the rounds and the map.

    But I digress, a vodnik is a valuble commodity on mashtuur because you only start with a couple at the main base (and one at the helo base) with 60+ people wanting to move fast around the map taking a single vehilce for yourself is counted as pretty selfish really even if it's for the defence of a base. Getting to the southwest base and getting the tank rolling is very important factor in winning the upper hand in this map so keeping it sat in the base is pretty silly, which is why he probably moved you away.


    • #3
      Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

      LOL.. I hate it when I request a ride jump infront of a moving vehicle holding my enter button (always works), but then see mid-air that whatever im jumping into is full or an opposing vehicle lol...


      • #4
        Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

        I had an embaressing moment where i had a full squad in a BH on oil fields and when we took off and started flying to the nearest flag i hit a tree and killed the whole squad. I was so embaressed because we had only just started. Needless to say a couple of people left the squad straight away but then i started owning the map to find that they returned quite quickly.


        • #5
          Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

          I was playing on Sharqi as USMC. I took off in the Apache as gunner, to go steal the MEC helo and take it back to the TV station for someone else to fly. I parachute out, steal the helo, and am a few feet from the helo pad, when I accidentally hit the E key.

          The sudden stop at the end of my fall killed me, and all I could do was lie there watching the MEC helo spiral out of control as I heard sounds of disappointment come across Ventrilo.


          • #6
            Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

            being a spec ops in a loaded team filled blackhawk. flying overhead of a flag with enemy approaching to capture the flag. I was chucking out C4 explosives out of the chopper around the flag and to my ignorance one must have clung to the underside of the chopper.
            Needless to say i was pretty excited to see the enemy rolling in on the flag. I was excited to right click and see the switch and kill the enemy. I executed the C4 and BOOM goes the chopper and up comes the TK punishment. I got kicked from the server. Thats ok because i would have felt like an idiot taking all the ridicule from the team.


            • #7
              Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

              I like it when I parachute off of a building, brush against the facade, the chute closes, and I fall the remaining 10 feet to my death with no chance of reopening the chute.


              • #8
                Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                I like it when I parachute off of a building, brush against the facade, the chute closes, and I fall the remaining 10 feet to my death with no chance of reopening the chute.
                I hate it when that happens!


                • #9
                  Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                  i crapped in my pants once when i was in pre-school, and that was embrassing


                  • #10
                    Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                    i was a gunner in a attack helo, and my pilot flew awful.
                    We were shot and when we spawned the same guy got the pilot seat again. I asked him if i could fly cuz he sucked.
                    He agreed, and 5 seconds after i took off, i hit a tree .
                    really dumb


                    • #11
                      Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                      Once I threw a grenade around a corner hoping to catch a rapidly-closing enemy, but I timed the follow-up wrong and ran in before the grenade had exploded. I wish I had been the other guy, because he basically saw a grenade bounce in, then his opponent run in after it, like a kid chasing a puppy, and promptly die.

                      Recently I was playing as Spec Ops and had used 4 of my 5 C4 on a tank. After the exchange, I died, but was resurrected by a Medic. I promptly got up and ran toward a Humvee, intending to lace it with 3 C4 packs and drive off to the next flag.

                      I had died, so in my mind I had gotten all of my ammo back. The Medic revived me, however, and I only had 1 C4 (a fact I totally forgot). I started clicking at the Humvee, expecting to toss 3 C4 in quick succession. I was oblivious when my detonator came up after only one C4 had been thrown, and I quickly murdered myself.


                      • #12
                        Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                        Originally posted by
                        i was a gunner in a attack helo, and my pilot flew awful.
                        We were shot and when we spawned the same guy got the pilot seat again. I asked him if i could fly cuz he sucked.
                        He agreed, and 5 seconds after i took off, i hit a tree .
                        really dumb
                        that sounds familiar...


                        • #13
                          Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                          Originally posted by S_t_a_l_i_n
                          i crapped in my pants once when i was in pre-school, and that was embrassing
                          I don't know man. I wouldn't want to embrace anyone that just crapped their pants.


                          • #14
                            Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                            Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                            I don't know man. I wouldn't want to embrace anyone that just crapped their pants.
                            Unless you're into that.


                            • #15
                              Re: Most Embarassing Thing...

                              Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                              Unless you're into that.
                              Well yeah, it takes all kinds.

