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What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

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  • #16
    Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

    The guy asked a question and that was a clear cut one graphics card OR CPU/mobo. I don't think he's said so far it's likely he can do the whole lot. So even though I myself have suggested doing the whole thing it's pointless cos he can't afford it. So I answered the specific question he asked.

    And the long winded post above was not strictly directed to anyone who has suggested to do CPU/mobo only has no one had, but more a detailed rebuttle to odd-ball and his "AGP is dead get over it" argument using Haggis6's scenario as an example.

    There have been 5 or 6 of these PCI-e vs AGP threads lately and I've just got tired of seeing people say "AGP is dead you NEED PCI-e" and then walk away without backing up what they say with a single reasoned argument. It's totally confusing for people who are new to computers or people trying to get the best from their hard earned money.

    And you bring up a good point about you need the cards to still support AGP which they aren't doing. Anyone building from scratch would be a loon to buy AGP but that's not the case here and the card he's going for (6800GT) is enough to last 18-24 months so by the time that rolls around you can then do the whole lot.

    The trouble with PC's as well is that there is often a different answer for each individual scenario. Everyone has a different setup, different needs, different budget etc. That's what annoys me when people stroll in with a 1 size fits all generic answer. We all know PCI-e is better. But that's an answer to a different question than was asked here.


    • #17
      Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

      if you want better game play NOW
      than Video Card is ONLY choice


      • #18
        Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

        Chopperkill is giving a rational answer to the post. He is correct Unless you are going to SLi (watch this space) the high end agp or pci-e perform the same. In 6 months that will not be true.

        If you want to get more than a year out of the upgrade I would look for a socket 939 board with pci-e support.

        o/t #1 I will have a dual core twin 7800gtx SLi oc up by this weekend and will post build pics.

        o/t # 2 Haggis where in Belfast? My brother lives in Castlereagh and The Empire has a lot of my brain cells!!


        • #19
          Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

          Yes, Chopperkill, it is good when reasonable minds come together to help others see past the marketing hype and base decisions on hard figures instead.

          I have an AGP system (ASUS A8V & 3500+) running a 9700 Pro. I don't have any reservations about purchasing another high-end AGP based video card for this rig. It will get me to the next upgrade cycle without placing me in a performance disadvantage.


          • #20
            Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

            Originally posted by ChopperKill
            So we move on. Yes we know there will be a point where PCI-e overtakes AGP. Is that point today? No. Is that point in the next 6 months? No. 12 months? No. It's unlikely that we will see PCI-e seriously overtake AGP for at least 2 years. So while yes AGP is no longer being manufactured it does not automatically make PCI-e better or faster or better value for money. To presume it does makes you nothing more than an idiot.
            Ummmm....."So while yes AGP is no longer being manufactured it does not automatically make PCI-e better.... To presume it does makes you nothing more than an idiot." You call me an idiot, but that is clearly the dumbist thing I have ever read. I never made any suggestions to the original poster as to what he should buy, I just pointed out that your ascertation that "AGP is good for another couple of years" is wrong, because as even you point out, It is no longer being manufactured. How can something that you can't buy be better than what is readily available?

            u english twat


            • #21
              Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

              You base your entire opinion on the simple and only fact that it can no longer be bought. If you have a good AGPx8 board and something like a 6800GT or better now, you will not be forced to upgrade for 18 months 2 years at the max. You should be good to run most upcoming games with that setup.

              Unreal Engine 3 games are probably the real test. And so far it's be shown that even they don't use more bandwidth than AGP provides. Because that's pretty much all PCI-e gives you apart from SLI. More bandwidth. I doubt you are even aware of that. PCI-e provides more bandwidth for graphics yet current games don't come close to using AGP's bandwidth so of course we all MUST have PCI-e. Makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

              You've obviously lost the capaibilty for a reasoned argument and you're not the type of person who ever had the ability to do so as you have descended into stupid childish name calling so this is my last post in this thread.

              ODD-BALL. Seems you picked an incredibly suitable name for yourself.


              • #22
                Re: What to do - Upgrade processor & Mobo or Graphics Card?

                Chopperkill will you marry me?

