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This happened AGAIN tonight...

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  • This happened AGAIN tonight...

    Why is it that when you are on a very good COMMUNICATING squad, and everything is going fine, you get 'connection problems'?

    To make matters worse, when I re-enter the server, I'm on the other team...

    Now, to make things EVEN WORSE, I try to switch teams (and getting -2 points in the process) and I get switched back.... so I try it again, and again, and again...

    Well, before you know it, here's little old me, stuck on the wrong team with -16 points

    Crap like this better be fixed in the 10000+ fixes EA is planning on having in this 1.03 update or I'm going to have to get a body guard for my keyboard :evil: :evil: :evil:

  • #2
    Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...


    • #3
      Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

      hahaha @ that smiley expression and this thread.. that does suck tho, hope 1.03 fixes that.


      • #4
        Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

        Sorry it's happened to you....but we've all been there at one time or another.


        • #5
          Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

          Originally posted by vulcan
          Sorry it's happened to you....but we've all been there at one time or another.
          Yes... Exactly what I wished to convey in the smiley.


          • #6
            Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

            When youre trying to change teams, you have to have the patience to wait until you are DEAD.. not just WOUNDED. So if you are stuck on the wrong team (happened to me 2, so annoying) it's best to just play and when u get killed, u can for example click on the edge of the spawn map to make sure no spawn point is selected (so u won't spawn back), then wait for that 15 secs to be sure you are no longer revivable, and THEN try to switch.

            It doesn't count as a "death" in your stats until you are really dead, and you will get a "suicide" if u try to switch teams while being "critically wounded".

            I'm sure most of u knew this already so pardon me.


            • #7
              Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

              The other night I was flying in the Helo on Sharqui with a guy named "Bishop" and we were the top 2 scorers. I think I had about 50-60 points, and we died (one of 3 times) and I got team switched. Totally sucked. =\

              I think the game should check these criteria before team switching:

              1) Commander
              2) Squad Leader
              3) Full Squad
              4) Top 3 in points

              If any of those apply, it shouldn't team switch you. This is just my opinion.


              • #8
                Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                How are connection problems EA's fault? I agree that something was up last night in general. I was getting lots of connection problems and much higher pings than I normally get. Did it occur to anyone that it might have something to do with the hurricane? Remember that not only are 2.5 million without power, but there are lots of servers, hubs, etc. in the dark too.

                As far as switching is concerned, you said you re-entered the server -- it automatically places you on the team with the lowest number of players. And in most cases it won't let you switch because of that.

                I'm no fanboy, but all of the "EA needs to fix this" stuff gets a little tiring -- especially when EA has nothing to do with the problem.


                • #9
                  Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                  u could of switched if u figured out how. Switch and immedietaly join a squad other than that u get switched rite back


                  • #10
                    Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                    Some of these bad connections come at very weird times, almost feels like you're getting kicked at times...


                    • #11
                      Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                      Negative score when you switch is so retarded. Then again, you can look at the team to see if you can switch...


                      • #12
                        Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                        Originally posted by Strega
                        The other night I was flying in the Helo on Sharqui with a guy named "Bishop" and we were the top 2 scorers. I think I had about 50-60 points, and we died (one of 3 times) and I got team switched. Totally sucked. =\

                        I think the game should check these criteria before team switching:

                        1) Commander
                        2) Squad Leader
                        3) Full Squad
                        4) Top 3 in points

                        If any of those apply, it shouldn't team switch you. This is just my opinion.
                        That is wrong d00d. If your team is destroying the other team and you are in the top three... That is when you should get switched. They are trying to make the game fun for everyone. Not just the best players. Now in the update they should make so you only get switched at the end of the round or map reload. and you can't switch teams once you join. If you want to switch teams you have to leave and come back.


                        • #13
                          Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                          were you on some clans' server? 'cos you know, they kick non-clan members to make room fotr one. just bad timing...


                          • #14
                            Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                            The best way to "Autobalance" IMO(and has been stated by many) is to move Non-Squad members first(Lone Wolfs) as it wouldnt affect any squads and they are only thinking of themselves anyway so who cares what side they end up on


                            • #15
                              Re: This happened AGAIN tonight...

                              Originally posted by j4k3
                              were you on some clans' server? 'cos you know, they kick non-clan members to make room fotr one. just bad timing...
                              Whenever we do this, we tell the kicked user why they're being kicked. It's just common courtesy, and I don't see why everyone doesn't do it that way.

