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What is the best Resolution Setting?

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  • What is the best Resolution Setting?

    Is higher necessarily better? I only have a 9800 Pro 128, 512mb ram.
    I think I am using 1024x768x16 and everything is on medium, and it is okay once I move around a bit. Your tips for tweaking would help!


  • #2
    Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

    I think the higher the res, the clearer the picture is.


    • #3
      Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

      the higher you go in res the more you loose in performance. You will get better performance running at low resolutions but get nicer quality higher up.

      I personally run at 1280x1024


      • #4
        Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

        What do you think if it were like a res of 1600x1200 everything low versus 1280x1024 medium.

        I tried high, on 1024x768, looks great but very choppy. I know it is time for a new system/video card.... just don't have the money right now.


        • #5
          Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

          higher it will go the more choppy and performance loss you will get. So if u went to 1600x1200 it will be worse


          • #6
            Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

            The larger the resolution, the more your card has to render at anyone time, which results in worse performance. 1024x768 seems to be the best resolution unless you have a really high-end card.


            • #7
              Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

              1024x768x32 is what i use.


              • #8
                Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                If you run at higher resolution like 1600x1200 you don't necessary need take a great performance hit.
                Ppl will often use high Anti-Aliasing when running low like 1024x768, but when running 1600x1200 high AA is not needed and lower or no AA is sufficient. Some game it is even recommended that you do this.


                • #9
                  Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                  Originally posted by Sofaking
                  What do you think if it were like a res of 1600x1200 everything low versus 1280x1024 medium.

                  I tried high, on 1024x768, looks great but very choppy. I know it is time for a new system/video card.... just don't have the money right now.
                  there is only ONE real answer
                  "user preference !!!!"
                  that is, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder !!!"
                  do what I did =
                  spend a day trying every possible combination
                  because some things are VERY system dependant
                  that is, as each option effects "fps" different on different machines/graphics card
                  some folks claim they get "smooth game play" with all settings on high = and after they list their specs
                  I KNOW that it is IMPOSSIBLE
                  to them smooth pay must be 10 fps
                  on one of my systems - all settings on HIGHEST
                  the game looks AWESOME!!!!!!!! almost real
                  but frame rate dropped to 30 fps
                  as we likr to play at 60-90 fps
                  we reduced some settings
                  (eg AA to 2x and shadows to low)
                  on system 2 (same as #1 but lesser graphics card) one set of changes to maintian 45 fps

                  and on system #3 - different cpu and different graphics card - totaly different set of video options - ALL to maintain 45 fps

                  so, to answer your question visually
                  ( I have 25 years of computer graphics expeience
                  yes- even before PC graphics were even thought of)

                  800 x 600 at 2AA is quite similar to 1600 x 1200 with regards to jaggies
                  the lower res will look a little "softer"
                  ie not as crisp
                  the higher res will have more "real detail"
                  ie not an interpolted color
                  but a computed color per pixel

                  as real detail is not a real issue in this game
                  it does not realy matter as much as it does in a military simulator which has no name tags on the enemy :P

                  so, pick what looks best to you, but do not sacrifice frame rate too much


                  • #10
                    Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                    Actually lowering your Res too much will actually make things worse as it becomes more CPU dependant


                    • #11
                      Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                      I run BF2 at 1600x1200 resolution all settings on high and get 50-90 fps depending on server. I like the sharper clearer picture you get with a higher resolution. But for gaming you have to adjust your resolution for best FPS [frames per second] and cpu performance. You cant run a 1600x1200 if you only get 10 fps. You want something over 25 fps consistant for best online playability. Yes you can run less but it will LAAGGGGGGGG.


                      • #12
                        Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                        Originally posted by LT.INSTG8R
                        Actually lowering your Res too much will actually make things worse as it becomes more CPU dependant
                        what makes you say that?
                        the CPU has no idea what the vid res is
                        been doing graphics realtime graphics for 25 years
                        (yes - since b4 PC)
                        unless something changed with this engine


                        • #13
                          Re: What is the best Resolution Setting?

                          1280x1024 is my current preferred res.

