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Anti tank no nades???

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  • #31
    Re: Anti tank no nades???

    slightly off topic but was playing karkand the other day on the MEC side and the only base we had was the north west base and there was a hilarious scene of US trolling in with a tank, 3 APCs, and one Humvee and they got completely obliterated in 15 seconds due to AT'ers and Spec Ops, lol. Wish I had demoed that!

    It would be nice to have nades as I play AT the most but it is a balancing issue. DAO rocks the house though.


    • #32
      Re: Anti tank no nades???

      Originally posted by usiel
      DAO rocks the house though.
      It may rock the house, but does it rock the casbah?


      • #33
        it defenally rocks a hour ago got 42 and 11 with it strike at karkand

        i kno snipers should get points for how far the kill is like 1 poimnts for every 150m lol


        • #34
          Re: Anti tank no nades???

          Originally posted by VeNoM:[AK]
          like i would be happy with one gernade or give rocket more splash sumthin liek that and extra points for killing amour would be cool like 1 teamwork dunno just a thought.
          mmmhmmm you said it bro i agree im anti tank and gernades and not having them no fun


          • #35
            Re: Anti tank no nades???

            lol funny sig and ya it sucks i hear ya


            • #36
              Re: Anti tank no nades???

              lol ya i made it im not good at em anyways no nades


              • #37
                Re: Anti tank no nades???

                lol ya i hope they fix it in 1.03 patch like i said before even 1 would help

