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Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

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  • Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

    Here is the next version of BattleLauncher (BL), my tool for working with the BattleRecorder and its files.

    It has developed from a simple GUI for the demo.cmd file to an advanced replacement that makes it a lot easier to work with the BattleRecorder aspect of Battlefield 2.

    It is currently available in four languages: English, Spanish, Swedish and Italian.

    This new version, v1.1.2, comes with a range of new functionalities compared to the old version that I released in June, v1.0.1.

    You can for instance:
    • Launch Singleplayer games
    • Launch your recorded demos
    • Record cameras to go with your demos
    • Capture sound off Battlefield 2
    • Render your footage to video
    • Download your demo bookmarks through BL
    • Edit your profiles' graphics settings directly through BL
    • Connect to servers and execute chat commands

    The chat command functionality is the latest big function, together with the sound capture. It was designed with movie making teams in mind and can be used to effectively shoot movies online without the need of the auto-record feature of the BattleRecorder. With simple chat commands like !action and !cut, you can turn on and off the demo recording on the remote server. See below for download link and link for the chat command tutorial.


    BattleLauncher main screen

    Bookmarks download screen

    General settings

    Sound settings

    Profile video settings

    Server settings

    Debug console


    Here is the download link for BL v1.1.2: Click here
    Download link for "Using Chat Commands for Movie Productions" tutorial: Click here

  • #2
    Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

    this sounds great but i dont see screen shots. have u considered using imageshack


    • #3
      Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

      That's odd. Do you see my sig? because my signature is stored on the same server. Try using Ctrl+F5 (hard refresh) and see if it loads..


      • #4
        Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

        Senap, amazing work - really nice to see so much effort put into something of this calibre.


        • #5
          Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

          Wow realy, realy good work, and thank you!


          • #6
            Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

            freaking awesome nice work


            • #7
              Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

              I downloaded it and I'm confused about one thing: How to you record the camera view in to video?? (I'm a little new to this)


              • #8
                Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                Thanks for your comments guys ^_^

                Originally posted by CrazedJ0k3r
                I downloaded it and I'm confused about one thing: How to you record the camera view in to video?? (I'm a little new to this)
                In the filelist, you must select both a camera file and a demo file before running BF2 in "render to video" mode. BL will tell you anyway that you need to select both.

                If you're talking about recoding camera views.. press "Play demo, record camera" and the game will record all your camera movements to a bf2cam file.


                • #9
                  Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                  one question. for the graphics when u change it does it effect the graphics u play, or the ones it records?


                  • #10
                    Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                    Very nice tool senap! We will defenitely be using this for our upcoming movie project! it will speed things up and make things alot easier ! thx again and keep up the good work


                    • #11
                      Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                      Very impressive. Nice work.


                      • #12
                        Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                        Good work senap

                        So far it looks great


                        • #13
                          Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                          Thanks guys for your comments ^_^
                          I'm glad the tool will be put into good use.

                          Originally posted by Sniper_13
                          one question. for the graphics when u change it does it effect the graphics u play, or the ones it records?
                          Graphics are never recorded to the bf2demo file. So the graphics depend on what profile you load up the file with (it is automatically the last one that you logged into the game with)


                          • #14
                            Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                            so when you record something, it will put it in the community downoads section of the in-game interface menu thing. and than you DL it?
                            also if that is how you do it i used to have many files that were from battle recorder on there. but whenever i tried to download them it said server disconnected or download failed. any help please...


                            • #15
                              Re: Release: BattleLauncher 1.1.2 [Image heavy]

                              another question. is this a recording device or is it just used to launch battlefield programs.(because i am looking for a good program that i can use to record myself playing, and that is nice and easy) so if someone could point me in the direction of an easy and good recording program for bf2 that would be very much appreciated.

