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BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

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  • BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

    Okay, this is my opinion, so you let me know yours.

    You work hard to get to Lance Corpral, Corpral, and so on.... Is it really worth the XXX amount of hours to get 1 gun?

    It would be, if BF2 had this feature:

    You unlock a weapon, and can use that weapon as your primary on ANY weapon set. Like I unlock the PKM, I can use that for special forces, or engineer, or even a sniper possibly because you want the claymores. Anything like that. Just because your a certain class in the Army, doesn't mean which gun you use. It's very realistic because someone is issued a gun, that's the gun they use. Then, they get to a higher rank and choose to buy one (in this case un-lock one) and use it in the field of battle instead.

    Now that would make unlocks worth working for!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

    Nah, this would more or less screw up the identities. I mean, you are a sniper or not. No same weapon unlocks for all kits. That's just absurd.



    • #3
      Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

      Imagine it...a M95 toting support class.

      No longer requires ammo, he can just reload it instantly!


      • #4
        Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

        Yes he could, but he won't be getting ammo giving points as if he was out in the field
        Thus you wouldn't use a sniper with support, unless it's your option :P

        He would be LOSING points if he did that


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

          I like my idea better - each item has a point value.

          Players can basically "build their own kits" by buying equipment using a static pool of points.

          So you could, if you so desired, play a Sapper by using all of your points on C4, Mines, and Claymores. Or you could just take a Sniper rifle and lots of ammo. Or medpacks AND ammo packs and a submachinegun. Etc. Etc.

          It's the way the game should've been. These old, tired, boring, played-out class systems suck arse.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

            Corporal... it's a Corporal.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

              wow both of those ideas sound pretty lame! i like the way it is now


              • #8
                Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                I like my idea better - each item has a point value.

                Players can basically "build their own kits" by buying equipment using a static pool of points.

                So you could, if you so desired, play a Sapper by using all of your points on C4, Mines, and Claymores. Or you could just take a Sniper rifle and lots of ammo. Or medpacks AND ammo packs and a submachinegun. Etc. Etc.

                It's the way the game should've been. These old, tired, boring, played-out class systems suck arse.
                Oh yes of course you do


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                  I personally think that's a daft idea. It kind of renders class distinctions useless if you can choose the gun you want regardless of what class you play.


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                    so in that system, when I am an AT guy, I have like the spec op unlock, then I am an AT guy with a great rifle , this would be totaly unbalanced.

                    Topic starter, you just don't get the point of the game.

                    And, all these hours played, it suposed to be fun, not work.


                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                      the at rocket thingy would take up more points and not allow you to use a very good rifle


                      • #12
                        Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                        Originally posted by Char-ley_Killa
                        the at rocket thingy would take up more points and not allow you to use a very good rifle
                        With my idea, yes. I believe the poster you are responding to was commenting on the original poster's idea.


                        • #13
                          Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                          Spec ops would love to have unlimited ammo.... it's an idea, but I don't like it. I think it is fine the way it is.


                          • #14
                            Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                            Originally posted by BadLizzard
                            Spec ops would love to have unlimited ammo.... it's an idea, but I don't like it. I think it is fine the way it is.
                            If you're talking about my idea, there wouldn't be any such thing as Spec Ops. And the resupply/medic items would have pretty high point values. But whatever, it's moot.


                            • #15
                              Re: BF2 Screwed Up Un-Locks Somwhere....

                              The point system would be interesting but these are government controlled armies. Therefore they get issued weapons, they don't purchase them. If it was a mercenary band or paramilitary force, then yeah, spending money or "points" on weapons and equipment would be kosher.

