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Dell 1500FP

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  • Dell 1500FP

    I hooked up an old 15" LCD to test it with Battlefield2 and some other applications. When I load the game the BF2 logo pops up, the screen goes black for a second or two and then it drops right back to the desktop. No errors, etc.

    Any idea why?

    The monitor is a Dell 1500FP

  • #2
    Re: Dell 1500FP

    I had a very similar problem with my Dell2005FPW and putting it in its native resolution 1680 x 1050, and then i got it. What was wrong with me was that if i added the +szx 1680 +syz 1050 at the end of target line in the properties under the shortcut "Battlefield 2" it would go black. The reason being, my desktop resolution was 1152 x 864 which conflicted with the shortcut. so to put bf2 in 1680 i had to change my desktop resolution to 1680. My guess with your is that on your other monitor the 15" LCD, its max resolution is not as high as your old monitor. If you ran bf2 with a resolution 1280 before on your old monitor, maybe this one onyl has a max resolution of 1024. Thats my conjecture, so what i would do is right click the "Battlefield 2" shortcut and click on properties, then at the end of the target line add +sxz 800 +syz 600 then click "apply". Now double-click on the game, then go into video settings and set the resolution to 1024, then close down the game and go to properties under the bf2 shortcut and erase the +sxz 800 +syz 600. Hope it works. If it still doesn't work tell me, i have one other way of changing the resolution.


    • #3
      Re: Dell 1500FP

      I'm gonna try this right now - thanks for the helpful input!


      • #4
        Re: Dell 1500FP

        Ok I added the +sxz 800 +syz 600 and it did the same load splash, black screen, and then dropped me back to the desktop. I even tried moving my windows resolution down to 800x600.

        So..lets try your other way


        • #5
          Re: Dell 1500FP

          :S, ok, well go into My Documents>Battlefield 2>Profiles>Default>Video.con

          Open that up with notepad, and in the
          VideoSettings.setResolution 1152x864@75Hz
          line put whatever resolution you desire, make sure you know the refersh rate for your monitor. Anyways fiddle around with that, and make sure the sxz syz stuff is gone from the shortcut. If that doesn't work sorry bud, thats all i got.


          • #6
            Re: Dell 1500FP

            Haha...well that worked.

            Game to the menu and hit enter to login and it crashed right to the desktop. Battlefield Vietnam crashed right to the desktop as well after about 5 minutes so maybe thats a different problem..

            but I never crashed with my other monitor. This is a learning experience

