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I was sure of my next unlock but now...

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  • I was sure of my next unlock but now...

    Ok so im actually a 24950 points or so and was sure that my next unlock was gonna be the l85a1

    But today ivé seen a couple of threads criticising it and more or less accusiong it of a downgrade.

    I read a guy saying that he rather had the m95 for the unlock... that was my doubt... the sniper rifle...

    So which you guys reccomend?? The l85a1 or the M95???

    I play both classes the same so...

  • #2
    Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

    the also pondering the g36 or m95, u unlocked the g36 right? how is it?


    • #3
      Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

      I have the L85A1 and i dont really like it people say that u can take out a sniper with it yea right, you have 3 different zones, 1 hit the person every time= dead really quickly, 2 u have an ok chance of hitting them then the 3rd zone u dont have a chance to hit them but it can get the job done


      • #4
        Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

        I unlocked the L85 and the M95:

        L85 was great at first because of its scope. However, the normal Medic guns are better once you learn how to use each one to their own advantage. The L85 is fairly good at long range, but in close combat, I rather whip out my knife.. I wouldn't bother with it, especially at 25k points.

        M95 sucked horribly when I first started using it. Once you get used to it though, it can be absolutely crazy. I still prefer the M24 over it, but the M95 beats the pants off of the Type 88 and the SVD. I would unlock this between the two, since you can have more fun with it. Keep in mind though, half the battle is your rifle, the rest is how you use it.

        For my 3rd unlock, it's going to be G36C vs PKM.. I think I'm going with the G36C


        • #5
          Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

          The L85 is awful IMO, and I love the Medic class, but that's just me.

          The M95 is worse than the M24, but better than the SVD as someone above said.

          The G36C is solid, I always use it for Spec Ops no matter which side I'm on.

          The G3 is great if you can live without the n00b tube, also the PKM is pretty awesome in terms of stopping power if you can learn how to tame it.

          I've got the M95 and the G36, I'm almost positive that my next unlock will be the G3A3.


          • #6
            Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

            Originally posted by LT_Bootymac
            I unlocked the L85 and the M95:

            L85 was great at first because of its scope. However, the normal Medic guns are better once you learn how to use each one to their own advantage.
            I totally agree. M16 is great and so to is the AK

            Fav gun ATM is G36C, i havnt got a bad thing to say about it.

            Just a thought, it might be worth holding out for the new patch to see if they tweak any of the unlockable weapons. Then you will have a more informed choice.


            • #7
              Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

              I have the G3A3 right now and love it, its sick in single shot
              and full auto it owns peps
              The L85A1 sucks IMO also, used it alot in the demo
              Im gunna go with the M95 next to shot drivers and damage cars and stuff, also it goes threw body armor
              I will prolly go with the G36C as my 3rd unlock, I love the M4 but its like the M95, it replaces the guns when im not on the american team


              • #8
                Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                i just unlocked the medic gun and i love it if i were you i would pick it cuz u get more points being a medic anyways and the m95 is just like the m24 but it just shoots threw glass


                • #9
                  Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                  Get the m95 it is so big and long and hard


                  • #10
                    Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                    The L85 is better for open maps, not close combat like Karkand. If you use it correctly, one or two shots at a time from long range, it is very effective.


                    • #11
                      Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                      I tested it and i think it would be suitable for long open maps like shongua where you can spot the enemy without him seeing you and whipe him out...

                      Im really doubtfull... i go really wll with the svd, not as good as with the m24 obviously but....

                      I did also good in sharqui a couple of times with the l85, that scope is really good, and in short range if you go with the crosshair its fine.


                      • #12
                        Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                        atm i have the g35 and l85 and i can tell you both are very good good good guns...g36 is good at range and at close combat and once you get practice with the l85 its well woth it... i only need 4500 points till sergeant and then its PKM for me mwhehehehe :ar15:


                        • #13
                          Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                          I love the L85 - I'd personally rather use it than the sniper rifles! Plus add to that the fact you can heal yourself up, rack up heal and revive points, and just be an all round hero and nice guy...


                          • #14
                            Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                            L85 is awesome. Single shot mode is damn deadly, hell you can beat snipers at thier own game with it. I do frequently.


                            • #15
                              Re: I was sure of my next unlock but now...

                              i think the m95 is a better unlock imo compared to the medic gun,or u cld always unlock the PKM,my first unlock n its been good t me so far.

