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L85 Upgrade?

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  • L85 Upgrade?

    is the l85 an upgrade? or a downgrade?

  • #2
    Re: L85 Upgrade?

    defintly a downgrade....the gun is weak....ok first off the mec medic gun is better by if the chinese ak....and i personally like the m16 medic gun the best cuz its accuracy is i think the l85 is just a waste of an unlock


    • #3
      Re: L85 Upgrade?

      I'd say it's an upgrade; the optical sight alone makes it worth while. I hate having to aim with the shotty iron sights on the m16, especially at long ranges... makes accurate shots difficult


      • #4
        Re: L85 Upgrade?

        Ok.. when I first started playing, I loved it. Maybe because I wasn't too good with ironsights yet, and learning how to control my shots.

        Now, however, I absolutely HATE the L85. I much rather have the normal ones. I find that the Chinese AK-47 is the best. It has a good spray pattern for upclose, while it's very accurate with single shot and iron sights. The AK-101 is pretty good too.


        • #5
          Re: L85 Upgrade?

          upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. All the way.

          I'm such a L85 fanboy...


          • #6
            Re: L85 Upgrade?

            Originally posted by Fu11force
            upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. All the way.

            I'm such a L85 fanboy...

            me too,it took a whlie for me to get used to it but I'll never go back to the M16a2 or whatever guns the MEC and Chinese have.


            • #7
              Re: L85 Upgrade?

              upgrade and a downgrade.
              if playing us, than use it, if playing other teams, than use the stock guns.


              • #8
                Re: L85 Upgrade?

                No it's not an upgrade but it's not a downgrade either. It's different.


                • #9
                  Re: L85 Upgrade?

                  Originally posted by Praetorian145
                  No it's not an upgrade but it's not a downgrade either. It's different.
                  Yah, thats true, I dont have it, but I was on one server during the Demo where all of the extras were unlocked. It was annoying to miss guys when you were looking right at them sometimes.

                  The Chinese Medic can hold his own. That AK can be damn useful. 6-10 shots at a guy 15yds away and winning is a common scenario for me. And the sound on the AKs kick ass.

                  But the L85 does look cool when you are holding it, big ass sight and green, sweet


                  • #10
                    Re: L85 Upgrade?

                    the l85 is a good gun it just depends how i feel at the time...if i feel like annoying people with m16 burst fire then i will


                    • #11
                      Re: L85 Upgrade?

                      No unlockable guns are 'upgrades' or 'downgrades', they are simply 'different' weapons to use. I like the L85.


                      • #12
                        Re: L85 Upgrade?

                        its forsniping who you gonna snipe and heal ?


                        • #13
                          Re: L85 Upgrade?

                          It's an upgrade as a weapon but a downgrade as a medic. It's a great gun for sniping so it gives you better long range engagements. But it downgrades the medic because instead of reviving/healing in the heat of battle and doing more close range stuff, you're picking off people that's liket the opposite of what a medic should do, plus recoil kills the L85 for full auto and burst.


                          • #14
                            Re: L85 Upgrade?

                            I agree Eddy, it's a pretty good weapon. even though i don't have it, i've played it several times and believe it to be a good sniping weapon. but takes away from the medics role... HEAL! I'd probably use it then the m16a2, ak's, etc.

