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bf2 runs like ass on my PC

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  • bf2 runs like ass on my PC

    Okay, somthing is really wrong here. I can barely play this game on low detail, here are my specs:

    AMD Athlon 64 3000+
    Geforce 6800 128mb
    1gb PC3200
    ECS K8M800 mobo

  • #2
    Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

    Are all your motherboard shipset/AGP/Smart GART drivers installed properly?
    What motherboard do you have?


    • #3
      Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

      Well i have a Intel 3.2 800 FBS, 1GB of ram, 74GB Raptor hard drive, X850XT AGP 256MB, and my system is doing well. But i am going to invest of getting another GB of ram though. I would recommend you run your PunkBuster updates (PBWeb) again if you have installed BF 1.02. Update your sound drivers and your video drivers. Make sure you do not have anything else running while playing. What would be a good idea is to run a program like Crap Cleaner to get rid of temp files, and to clean up your registry. i would also update your anti-virus programs and anti-spyware programs and run them. Make sure you do not have any bad things in your system. In your BF2 options you might want to set your audio to hardware as well.


      • #4
        Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

        Update your drivers, period.

        Try installing the nVidia driver on the BF2 CD/DVD.


        • #5
          Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

          Originally posted by the_waffler
          Okay, somthing is really wrong here. I can barely play this game on low detail, here are my specs:

          AMD Athlon 64 3000+
          Geforce 6800 128mb
          1gb PC3200
          ECS K8M800 mobo
          1. Place WinXP disk in CD drive.
          2. Boot from WinXP disk.
          3. Remove partition from drive.
          4. Repartition drive.
          5. Reinstall Windows, drivers and game.


          • #6
            Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

            Originally posted by the_waffler
            Okay, somthing is really wrong here. I can barely play this game on low detail, here are my specs:

            AMD Athlon 64 3000+
            Geforce 6800 128mb
            1gb PC3200
            ECS K8M800 mobo
            i have:

            AMD 64 3400+ (2.4GHz)
            Geforce 6800 128mb
            1.5 gb pc3200
            Audigy 2 value
            Chaintech VNF3-250 nForce3 250
            Windows XP Pro

            and BF2 runs great.

            You may want to check what background processes are running and stop all those that are not required. you may also want to check that your OS and all drivers are up to date. You did not list a sound card. If you don't have one you may want to get one. An Audigy 2 Value is around $60. Also how are you connecting to the Internet. I use cable and it's very fast. You may want to test your Internet connection to ensure that it is not suffering from packet lost or high latency. Finally you are not telling us exactly what your problem is. What exact problem are you having? Have you tried running Frap to check you frame rate. If you are not running Windows XP and are Running someother version of Windows switch to Windows XP, it's around $100 to switch to the Home Edition. If your running Windows XP 64 bit OEM edition, your nuts!


            • #7
              Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

              Originally posted by DU_is_good_4U
              1. Place WinXP disk in CD drive.
              2. Boot from WinXP disk.
              3. Remove partition from drive.
              4. Repartition drive.
              5. Reinstall Windows, drivers and game.

              NEVER do the above, it is the noobs way out of fixing pc problems & you will never learn anything about your rig or how to fix it, also unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing you risk screwing your rig completely.


              • #8
                Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

                dont forget to checkout the tweak thread. cut down on un-needed services running, defraging with a real utility such as pefectdisk helps too since it can defrag your pagefile.
                "Crunch's First Officer"
                twitter: @signaprime


                • #9
                  Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

                  Originally posted by DU_is_good_4U
                  1. Place WinXP disk in CD drive.
                  2. Boot from WinXP disk.
                  3. Remove partition from drive.
                  4. Repartition drive.
                  5. Reinstall Windows, drivers and game.
                  Thats the same thing i did. I did a complete overhaul of windows and service pack 2.


                  • #10
                    Re: bf2 runs like ass on my PC

                    Before you screw up your already fine working computer with the above options, might I recommend something a little less. Delete your video card driver, delete the entire BF2 folder in my documents, [it will refresh when u restart the game again, saves the uninstall/reinstall bs]. Empty recycling bin, reboot, Use driver cleaner per its instructions, google it, reboot, reinstall video driver. Also TURN OFF VERTICAL SYNC in video card options. When you restart the game CHANGE NOTHING. See how it does.

