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HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

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  • #16
    Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

    make sure you clean all your old drivers out before u install the new ones


    • #17
      Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

      Hi, I can't see your image but I can guess the problem may be large black triangles, and background going to black, and maybe crashing. This is a problem with catalyst drivers 5.7 and 5.8 and the 9800pro. Me and a few mates with the same card have all had the same problems, we're all back on version 5.6 now and have no problems. There are a few other threads in here saying the same thing.



      • #18
        Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

        If you've tried the older Catalyst 5.6's on your 9800, and still have the same problem... I hate to say it but... I'd start to consider the possibility that you've got a dodgy card.

        Last couple of things to try is unplugging the card, cleaning contacts and re-plugging. Get a big 120mm fan and set it up blowing directly over the card.

        If you get the exact same problem on other games, benchmarks etc. it's probably a physical problem with the card.

        Try getting some graphics card overclocking tools, like ATI Tray Tools and underclocking the core or memory to see if the problem goes away. If you can underclock the core or memory and the problem disappears, you then know it's something wrong with the card.


        • #19
          Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

          i dono what happend to the image, it is no longer working, I will try and put it online again.

          - I am going to go ahead and try using catalyst 5.6
          - I have ordered arctic silver 5, so lets see if that does anything
          - ON HOT DAYS the problem is worst. If i have my air conditioning on the problem doesn't seem to occur that often (very rarely)
          - It might actually be heating....... BOOOO!

          For the people who can't see the image, I get BLACK traingles, or the far scenary is not rendering properly, and all i would see distorted images (like really bad, unable to see anything at all), the video card will render things like 5 feet away from me, rest is either black or or distorted.


          • #20
            Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

            heat induced, get a better cooler


            • #21
              Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

              Originally posted by ODD-BALL
              heat induced, get a better cooler
              I second that.

              There is a no cost try you could do


              2) Use this tool and try to underclock the card to produse less heat.

              3) reduce the voltage in bios.

              These are all a temp fix you should relay try a new fan!


              • #22
                Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

                i ordered Arctic Silencer 5, that should be enough? right?


                • #23
                  Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

                  It's a start and also the cheapest way of cooling your hot card. When you get/fit it plz post back here with results i hope it works for you m8.
                  If not you know where we are if you need more help m8.


                  • #24
                    Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

                    thanks for all the help everyone, i will post back once i get the arctic silencer.


                    • #25
                      Re: HELP: This is terrible - ATI 9800 PRO + 3.4GHZ ++

                      Originally posted by fr0zen
                      well i have a 600W PSU - i doubt thats the problem

                      so what should be my PCI Latency settings?
                      Go check Toms Hardware site they have just done tests on PSU's and found most only kicked out 40% of the power they stated, always best to buy a brand name PSU at the extra cost as the unbranded over state there power out put.

                      Join the discussion about the latest in computer hardware, software, and gadgets in the Tom's Hardware Community! Catch everything from expert opinion to casual buzz in our community of millions.

                      There again even some brand named PSU failed. hmm

