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A NEW problem.

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  • #16
    Re: A NEW problem.

    its not new..............


    • #17
      Same Problem Also

      I have the same problem.

      Battlefied 2 was running perfect. But I decided to patch it. I patched it with 1.02 and I then updated PunkBuster. Now when I try to start Battlefield 2 the screen goes to black (like normal) but stays that way for 20 seconds the monitor then "clicks" and my desktop shows up.

      I have
      a 3.0 ghz processor
      a GForce 6600 w/256 mb video card
      1 GB DDR2 Memory
      141 gb free hard drive space


      • #18
        Re: A NEW problem.

        The patch says 1.01 but is actually 1.02, Solved that one. Anymore problems check the help with patch install at top of page.


        • #19
          Re: A NEW problem.

          That happened to me in the beggining. (Had a gforce MX4000) and bought a better graphics adapter.
          Problem solved.


          • #20

            Ok do I update punkbuster? lol...Im lame...


            • #21
              Re: A NEW problem.

              PB wasnt my prob. STILL does not work


              • #22
                Re: A NEW problem.

                Originally posted by Gunny Highway
                Did you have a look in the patchlog.txt in ..\My Documents\Battlefield 2\dmp\ it will give and account what has been updated and what has been skipped and other error msgs, like too little HDD space.
                Do as Gunny says in this post bro and or do a MD5 file check.

                It's full name is "MD5summer, download etc from link....... if you read the "About" it will give you the full intel.


                • #23
                  Re: A NEW problem.

                  Here's the things that went wrong in my update
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\chinese\chinese.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\dutch\dutch.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\french\french.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\german\german.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying DELETE File Patch for ''

                  Old Version of File '' does not exist.
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\italian\italian.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\japanese\japanese.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\korean\korean.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'pb\pbcl.db'

                  Old Version of File 'pb\pbcl.db' does not exist.

                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'pb\pbcl.dll'

                  New Version of File 'pb\pbcl.dll' already exists.
                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'pb\pbclold.dll'

                  Old Version of File 'pb\pbclold.dll' does not exist.

                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'pb\pbsslog.htm'

                  Old Version of File 'pb\pbsslog.htm' does not exist.

                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\polish\polish.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\spanish\spanish.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\swedish\swedish.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist
                  Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\thai\thai.utxt'

                  warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Settings\Usersettings.con'

                  Old Version of File 'mods\bf2\Settings\Usersettings.con' does not exist.
                  __________________________________________________ __
                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'pb\dll\wc001128.dll'

                  Old Version of File 'pb\dll\wc001128.dll' does not exist.
                  Applying DELETE File Patch for 'pb\htm\wc001128.htm'

                  Old Version of File 'pb\htm\wc001128.htm' does not exist.

                  Alrighty, there are my probs, any ways to fix em?


                  • #24
                    Re: A NEW problem.

                    OK you have the same similar problem as the guy on this post...

                    This is what i suggested him to do and this applies to you to.......

                    Ok look above now at the remaining files this is the problem now you need to "test" your RAM as it is now pointing to RAM as your fault for now.
                    It is looking like.... when installing the game program, when it is transferred from disk to RAM and then to HD the program is getting corrupted the RAM is not passing all the program files, in there entirety to the HD.
                    Test your ram sticks as it is now then test each ram stick by it's self.
                    It's the only way to sort it out m8. some info for the test on your issue in this link......


                    • #25
                      Re: A NEW problem.

                      How do I test my RAM? I'm kinda lacking in this knowledge...


                      • #26
                        Re: A NEW problem.

                        Originally posted by McGirk
                        How do I test my RAM? I'm kinda lacking in this knowledge...
                        DL memtest from you create a bootable floppy / CDRom the instructions suck and there is no support (freeware).

                        Quote..Memtest just started and the whole screen was red - I had to see, that one of my RAM-Modules was f*cked up at ~362 MB. :wall: ...End Quote


                        • #27
                          Re: A NEW problem.

                          Originally posted by McGirk
                          Alrighty, there are my probs, any ways to fix em?
                          open Regedit and tell me what this key says:
                          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2

                          e.g. Install Dir, Language, Locale


                          • #28
                            Re: A NEW problem.

                            Originally posted by McGirk
                            Re-downloaded... but it says right now (about to patch) I'm getting 1.01...kinda odd...Anyhow, I'll tell ya if it works.
                            have u been able to run the game before? cuz my tahts wat it does to me cuz my card cant suppor it.


                            • #29
                              Re: A NEW problem.

                              Yeah, also what graphics card you using? (still looking for a reply to my question 2 posts up)


                              • #30
                                Re: A NEW problem.

                                Originally posted by McGirk
                                How do I test my RAM? I'm kinda lacking in this knowledge...
                                Forget it. U don't test ram. It works fine at the spec. speed, or u'll notice.
                                Funny things on ur screen or odd behavior of comp. (this maybe power supp. also). There's out there a lot of garbage to tell what u want already know.

